Organization Benchmarking

While you can also find this word in reference to the original meaning in the Anglo-Saxon language, it is in the computer field where its use is more widespread. More formally you can understand that a benchmark is the result of the execution of a computer program or a set of programs on a machine, with the aim of estimating the performance of a particular item or all the same, and to compare the results with similar machines. However we will stop at the end of Benchmarking, Michael Spendolini in his book entitled Benchmarking which defines it as: A systematic and continuous process to assess products, services and work processes of organizations that are recognized as representatives of best practices, in order to make organizational improvements that process, can result in significant benefits for the Organization, since allows: w satisfy consumer needs in a more efficient way. w Increase the level of competitiveness. w define the objectives and strategies according to the actual conditions of the environment. w increases the participation of workers, through the generation of ideas to be applied in different processes and activities within the company.

Since the Benchmarking applications are infinite, it is necessary that organizations establish guidelines to determine that function or processes will be explored as part of the programmes to be developed by them. That is why, the most important stages can be summarized in the following points: firstly, should plan. Division managers should start by choosing which wish to improve processes (for example, the system of distribution), select the company that most stands out in that (distribution) and decide how they will measure the differences between the two processes. Then comes the making, stage in which the process of others is measured and then own (adaptation). The following is the stage of comparison, in the example of the two systems of distribution, looking for details on which is is more efficient.

National Conference

Politically he is sufficiently advantageous to firm the model of democratic state of right, over all for the participation of the society organized in the process of conduction of the actions to be developed for the state, diminishing with this the power of one alone person. Exactly in way to this sprouting it model of society and state that comes being molded in Brazil, appeared our Only System of the Health. Stuck in the conceptual root of the new Brazilian democracy and with the main objective to take care of the demand of the people who as much lacked of worthy assistance of health; Without some was revealed of form the assistencialismo and the clientelismo, and under a participativa management where the users, workers and managers could have a participation accomplish and direct in this new model of global public health. The concept of social control is one of the basic principles of the SUS, beyond being an important innovation guaranteed for constitution, as form of magnifying of the citizenship rights and as form of magnifying of the participation of the workers in the management, generating surrounding solidary and new possibilities of bonds of the workers with the institutions – as revealed for the National Conference of Health of 2004.Dito this we have finally that to reflect on the conduction of the current SUS; New challenges appear to each day and make with that let us have all (worked, managing and using) to assume, the responsibility for a maintenance of a social conquest that is of the Brazilian people. We have that to face with courage and determination the task to understand that a public health plus one not to have solely of the state and that it cannot more determine of sovereign form the routes to be followed. me to the same conclusion. It is vital that the participativa management exactly assumes the default of some public managers does not have the minimum of knowledge of the principles of the system; Its propositor, fiscalizador paper and of citizenship next to the system. Diligent we we have that to have the full conscience of effectively we are you mainly participate effective right-handers and in the condition of health of the population and that with public health is not played. Everything is very technician and must be reverted for the society as a whole, and it does not stop taking care of to yearnings politicians of whom it has in the assistencialismo its bigger flag, without understanding that with this they are only increasing the social inaquality.. .

City Workmanship

In fact, some years later, when to the beginning of the workmanship, the resident people of the quarter had had of if dislocating for more peripheral areas, located in the coast to potiguar, forming slum quarters in the Beach quarters of the Way and Step of the native land (SEMURB, 2007, P. 18 – 19). For this reason, the quarter received the nickname from City of the Tears (CASCUDO, 1999 apud SEMURB, 2007, P. 18). However, the project of creation of quarter follows ahead, with particular imponncia of Joaquin Manoel Teixeira de Moura, the President of the Intendancy of Christmas, that, ally with Old Peter the workmanships, established give to beginning in works of the studious Italian Antonio Polidrelli, which was the engineer surveyor of the workmanship and producer of the Master Plan of the City of Christmas (SEMURB, 2007, P.

19). One of the main instruments applied for the good development of the workmanship of Polidrelli was the managing planning of the workmanship, which was known with Master Plan (or plan master, in Portuguese). Such plan was the responsible one for the planning of wide avenues in the city of Christmas (MIRANDA, 1999), as well as the formation of avenues parallel bars, among which if it detaches the Cautious Moral Avenue and the Floriano Peixoto, which is entrecortadas by some streets, forming, already in 1904, about 60 blocks (TRIBUNE OF the NORTH, 2008). However, these had not been alone the contributions of the Polidrelli Plan to the Christmas. It exceeded the physical changes, affecting even though geographic distribution of some social classes, therefore in the called area of New City appeared the elite, anxious to see the new equipments urban of the place, while, to the edges of the Atlantic Ocean if it mounted a set of slum quarters of people you banish from its lands for the state.

Work Children

Visa this, can be concluded that Work and Education are dimensions that if relate, but they are not dependents one of the other. Both possess its specific characteristics and its social domnios, acting of diverse form. Although the influences that one exerts in the other, such concepts obtain ‘ ‘ caminhar’ ‘ of independent form constructing its proper elements constitutional, which if modify its proper interests in accordance with. 3. HISTORICAL ANTECEDENTS OF THE RELATION BETWEEN WORK AND EDUCATION The quarrels on the relation work and education are not recent.

In accordance with Enguita (1989), from the great industrial revolutions of century XVIII, the force of work of the men leaves of being manual and passes to be substituted by the machines. Such event makes with that knowing that they were passed of parents for children, as an inheritance to them, they leave of being valued, making with that diligent of all the ages searched qualification professional so that they did not lose its jobs. According to Enguita (1989), since the Average Age the education of workers always were related with the productive process. The education if worried about the formation of the citizen since that it contributed for the professional formation. Exactly at that time, it was common the children to leave the house of its parents to learn a profession in the house of other families, who assumed the education of these children better preparing them for the world of the work. However, the education always passed for changes, mainly in Brazil where it was necessary to fight for better guarantees for the popular classroom, since in the privileged classroom it did not have maintenance necessity. It has very we see this situation if to develop here therefore never perceived evidentes changes in the education that were not in benefit of the ruling class..


All to this surrender universopara to try the great influence of its workmanships on the pblicoleitor or, simply, to be awarded for a ouvisita commentary that it of stimulaton for the composition of one another page. Pormeio of this tool of communication, Brazil if discloses as one pasde reading of poets, contistas and cronistas as much how much not to podamosimaginar. Taking care of to the new demand of literary and cintfica production, WEB oportuniza arrived of great talentos at the global sphere almost queimediatamente. New writers and new writers, having very queaprender, but dividing, democratically, the same inclusion space. Yes, because he this way has those that are giving to the first steps literary naproduo; they say: ' ' Bruno, gives one looked at and aqui says if this to me a poem mesmo' ' ; another one: ' ' It is a chronicle what I wrote or a story? ' ' ; ' ' This text serves to the New Coletnea? ' ' Optimum it is that all we are learning with this new reality.

I believe that an error would be an immense precipitation to judge the virtual processes deproduo, aculturalizao, a banalizaocultural. It wanted to see Brazil reading and today I see it going more beyond. um Brazil that reads and that it writes more. I speak exactly for me, agoraescrevo more, much more As professor of the public net, cujosalrio abens of consumption would hinder the access to any book at the cost of the extremely necessary abstinence, the eliterria digital inclusion propitiated for the net it has me fact, despite still algumaslimitaes, a happyer person and a renewed professional more. Amolivros, I love the text, I believe that much we have to improve, however, I recognize in these new times the great chance to serevolucionar the agreement and to form beneficial alliances for the futuroeducacional of the country.

Saussure Work

For Saussure, nothing it has on this side of verbal of the synthesis thought-sound, nor beyond it. The sound in itself and the thought in itself exceed the language. The experience, however, sample that the poetry lives in border state, between the thought and the sound. In the poem, force the sign for the kingdom of the sound. It constitutes a historical and social phenomenon, the conjunction of certain thoughts the certain sounds. In the theory of Saussure, that is called ' ' arbtrio' ' , that is, without advance warning the sign can become unrecognizable, or can remain in a state for a long time. Bosi, says that the sign does not behave as a fixed species of the vegetal world, as for example, a samambaia, that if reproduces identical in our planet has three hundred million years.

Its value is selected accurate in a context. the connotations penetrate that it are, almost always, ideological. In second estrofe, of the second part, Gilbert Mendona Teles, makes aluso to the work of the poet, this is not simple, is arduous, is suffered, is needed to wait its determined time, not it as if to hurry a poetry, however without the research, without if perscrutar the winding ways of the words, it is not obtained to arrive the satisfactory work. Nor river that if makes In river of toy impure steel Sword Between the prudence and the hand. Sword of so curve That the contact of the afternoon Hoops in the horizon, Nothing that only could Be used its landing to launch in the space a penumbra cone, and that the time of a Lighted light bulb in the memory lasted only. ' ' The time of a light bulb has access in memria' '. How much work, quanta research had been necessary to arrive itself at this accurate moment, where the poet is rewarded by its diligent work, the composition of the poetry.

Antonio Hail Workmanship

Analysis of the workmanship ' ' The crime of the Amaro&#039 priest; ' , of Ea de Queirs, on the basis of the following proposal of Antonio Hail: ' ' It is with an analogous and desconfortvel contraction of vsceras that Ea morally places in them before nauseantes and terrificamente grotescas situations, making to share us of the perplexidades cowards, of the terrified remorsos of some bourgeois or aristocratic personages: situations of incest, adultery, of sunk respeitabilidade, vileness almost mtica.' ' The crime of the Priest I land on water, of Ea de Queirs, is of realistic characteristic for making with that the reader if mainly involves in all history of the book presenting descriptions and for provoking the church and to bourgeois of the time bringing to tona its true interests. The crime of the Priest I land on water possesss a transforming character for reaching the society showing its imperfections and causing an indignation in the reader so that of this form it changes its behavior. Ea makes critical forts to the society and to corrupt priests who always act in favor of its proper one welfare. Ea if worries about the loss of the good ethical values and moral of its society and therefore it shows in its workmanship this hidden truth, with an incredible realism. Ea in the sample with clarity in all the workmanship the true intentions of the priests, notices in these removed stretches of the workmanship for one better agreement: ' ' E, not to be some worshippers, all, or inhaling to the priesthood or to the secular destinations, wanted to leave the narrowness of the seminary to eat well, to gain money and to know mulheres' ' (pg.46) and ' ' They made plans, calculating the height of the windows, the peripcias of the black night for the black ways; they foresaw balconies of taverns where if it drinks, billiards rooms, hot alcoves of mulheres' ' (pg.46). .


What it will in such a way bring benefits to the policeman how much to the State that will less count on policemen fadigados estresse by it of the daily one, beyond improving in the attendance the citizen. … And is not difficult to understand ‘ ‘ the interest that the proper State has in the rest of its servers, since, restored the energies lost, they will be able to be dedicated again, with bigger income, to the functions that them are peculiares.’ ‘ … One sees, then, that the Administration, in intention to protect the health of the servers accumulated of stocks for the cited norm, so that they gave the service with quality, established a limit of overtime to be fulfilled by them (Roesler, 2009). (Keys, 1995) ‘ ‘ the nocturnal worker does not have, in absolute, its inverted or extended circadian rhythm, but yes, desestruturado, a time that, given the characteristics of the schedule of the turn, is not all the nights that the worker remains waked up, as well as is not every day that it sleeps: … ‘ ‘.

In the systems of nocturnal fixed turns he has a trend of the worker, in its days of recess, to try to follow the society, what he would constantly compel to modify its schedule to sleep, of if feeding, of leisure in function of its working hours (Brown, 1993). The amount of sleep of the nocturnal worker can be reduced in up to two hours per day, accumulating itself a sleep debit. The quality of sleep is, also, diminished mainly in period of training two and in sleep paradoxical, without the fatigue is particularly observvel complaint in that they work in the nocturnal turn, (Meijman, 1981). For attainment of a favorable organizacional climate in the OPM, the inherent factors to the stimulatons for reward and the correction of behaviors must be observed. Moreover, she is necessary to provide medical, odontolgico, psychological, religious and social accompaniment, as well as in relation to its physical conditioning and technician, complemented for periodic evaluation of performance, objectifying the personal and professional growth of the military policeman.

The Properties

Knowledge of the composton laws allow you to create a pcture whch wll look to stop. The second step – the study of the laws of color and the observaton of objects outsde world. Ths study of color schemes, to study the behavor of each color n combnaton wth other colors study the propertes of each color. Pay attenton to the study of the propertes of black and whte n the pantng. Explore concepts such as color temperature, saturaton, hue, contrast. Try to draw from memory the sky, sea waves, trees, flowers. You wll realze that at frst t's hard to do, t s dffcult to repeat an mage, even drawng from nature, should be montored carefully to study the structure of color, the color combnatons.

To acheve dfferent mood n the pctures – you need to learn how to use colors – warm and cool colors, how to control the saturaton, color tone. Wll focus on several key concepts n color theory. Any color can be obtaned by mxng n dfferent proportons of the three basc, prmary colors – yellow, red and blue. Secondary, or addtonal colors – orange, purple, green. Other colors, tertary, are formed by mxng prmary color wth an extra. Therefore, when teachng drawng usng a lmted palette s useful because t allows to examne the nature of color. Use whtewash to be careful, otherwse attempt to lghten the color wll , blurred colors. Add whtng n the man dye for the resultng color n the background pcture and the foreground, use pure color strokes on top of whte or vce versa, pure whte on top of dred pant, for example, to glare.

Stephanie Musiol

Facing these serious legal consequences a permission should be sought despite the bureaucratic and costs promptly”, warns lawyer Musiol. “For more uncertainty in practice also, provides that after the recast of the AuG temporarily providing only” may be. The importance of this requirement, the BAG has recently (v. 10.07.2013. AZ.

7 ABR 91/11) made it clear that providing permanent without any temporal limitation is prohibited by law. Even under the broadest interpretation, this condition not with 4 para 3 is TVoD in accordance to bring, because after this it is Staffing just permanently”, explains Musiol. So it has also was seen Baden-Wurttemberg and sensational in his appearance on decision by the 17.04.2013 (AZ. 4 TBV 7/12) the staffing according to 4 explains TVoD as forbidden temporary work-to be inadmissible. The outcome of this decision is able to convince not according to Musiol: the staffing according to 4 TVoD and comparable tariff regulations is just the labour protection of the employee. This is further employed at his previous public employer due to secure employment relationships and continuity of the tariff provisions of the public service.

The staffing is regularly more favourable for the employee whose ban”. Legal certainty can create a BAG decision here only; It was Baden-Wurttemberg approved the appeal. Against this background, the permanent staffing should be up to a rules clarification be well considered and may undergo alternative possibilities”, advises lawyer Musiol. Because even though the AuG itself provides for no sanctions, the legal consequences of a prohibited temporary work were quite significant: the transfer of management right would be ineffective at first, so that the workers could no longer to follow instructions of the borrower and also there also no longer would have to perform their work. In addition a possible right of approval refusal of staff / works councils would follow.” Note to editors: Baker.REIMANN.STARI is economic, energy and administrative law with currently 11 lawyers in addition to notary for practical and comprehensive consulting competence in core areas. We offer our clients high-quality judicial services, as well as a goal-oriented and strategic litigation.