Perhaps what he looked for the Korean technician watchman and of work was an equipment more that one that looked for the rival area. It would be or that what tried, the certain thing is not that it managed to deactivate to an unrecognizable Spain in the first time. Slow and premiosa, ' rojita' it did not know like undoing of the sticky rivals whom they had opposite and who sometimes were going to look for until the edge of the area of Fernando Pacheco to him. In that dynamics, with some short whiles better Spain and another better Korea, the shock offered very few things. Hardly distant firings and some dangerous arrival, but without breaking sometimes of goal. Thus, Korea estimated by far to a firm Spanish doorman under woods with two launchings of Kim and Choi, in the minutes 19 and 30, to which it responded the canterano of Real Madrid well. To the other side of the field, Tello promised to be by the right band but it did not make specific anything; to Dani Pacheco he was to him above chut with which a good combination with Koke finished, in the 17 and another firing his in the 43 gave in dnsa. Rodrigo, without hardly balls that to play nor to end, shot fit to the wood after a robbery of Koke in the 26.

The thing did not have good dot for Spain and, although it maintained the eleven to the return, Lopetegui soon made changes. First, sung. Isco by Dani Pacheco, who was not its. And quickly, without it had happened nothing to review, the second. This most surprising one, since he retired to Channels to give entrance to a second front center, Alvaro, which moved to Rodrigo to the right band. They did not serve as much those new features. In case to fortify the idea of Korea, that, although it removed to the turf to the two figures that had been left in the bench, it followed centered almost exclusively in paralyzing the Spanish game.