Year: 2022

Fantastic Literature

German science fiction & fantasy literature scene meets in Dreieich-Sprendlingen in Frankfurt/Main to the 24 book fair convent Frankfurt/Dreieich. Fans of Convention of leading science fiction & fantasy in literature and art at the convent (BuCon), Germany’s book fair for fantastic literature meet for the 24th time. This independent of the mass of the fantastic genre Festival on 17 October, 2009 and thus as usual parallel to the Frankfurt book fair. Celebrities are Markus Heitz, Tom Finn, Lena Falkenhagen, Mike Hillenbrand, Karl-Heinz Witzko, Christoph Haider Salman, Bernd Perplies and many others. Organizer is meeting Darmstadt, nationally known for the extremely successful “Darmstadt Spacedays” with 700 visitors and over 100 assets, as well as the Youth Club WIRIC in the civic book impact Association and the townhouses of Dreieich a group many years, in the active fans in cooperation with the science fiction fantasy scene. The event is supported by the prestigious “science fiction Club Germany e.V.” which already was founded in 1955 and is thus the oldest existing SF Club of the country.

On three several hours lineups with lectures, presentations and discussions, the organizers offer something for everyone. Autographs and signing requests are gladly met. Check out Paper Excellence for additional information. It is demonstrated that utopian and fantastic literature must be not necessarily trivial. Already, visions and predictions, which today belong to the everyday reality in their works offered George Orwell, H.G.. Wells and Jules Verne. Of course, but also the entertaining novel of voltage should not be missed. The organizers show that despite “Star Wars” and “Star Trek” and “Star Gate”, the fantastic book is not dead, but through the use of modern technology, as well as the possibilities of the Internet today again experienced an unexpected Renaissance. Science fiction and fantasy can have a quite separate, independent of the Anglo-American space profile in Germany.

The entire range of the readership to the bibliophile work presents the book fair convent. Fan-be means not stubborn consumption, but critical confrontation with the author and his work. Perhaps nowhere else is the German science fiction & Fantasy authors & readers scene so alive again authors and publishers from the German-speaking are expected to on this independent tradition event, to which about 300 visitors. But in vain, you won’t find costumed crowds on this literary event. A highlight of the cons is the ceremony of the “German fantasy Prize”. This price is an audience prize, which is awarded annually in various, mainly literary categories. Like every year, it is already on Friday, the 16th, from 8: 00 to the preparation meeting. Time on the home page is the place. On Saturday, the 17.10, intake is from 11: 00. The entrance fee is 8 euros at the box office, discounts are available. The end of the cons is intended for 22. “Convention Center” is the House in Dreieich-Sprendlingen, spruce Street 50th will be accompanied the event of an extensive fantasy stock exchange. Numerous books and merchandising retailer contribute to the completion of some collection with its offer. The offer is complemented by various small publishers. Contact: Roger Murmann Wilhelm-Leuschner str.17 64859 Eppertshausen phone of 06071/38718 or 01577/3885981 e-mail: or Christian deAhna mailbox 301103 63274 Dreieich phone 0178 / 6978501 e-mail: information, as well as a detailed program overview can be found on the Internet at the address:


New eLearning module for innovative hearing instrument designed train, 02.06.2008 rich media content ensures a holistic product impression on end and resellers. Phonak AG also uses this positive effect for their innovative hearing systems Exelia. As an expert for eLearning modules, the partekk trade was engaged ag for this task. E-learning modules help, that the consumer products are better understood and recorded. To do this, said audio, PowerPoint and other multimedia files are. t-Commercial-Deliveries.html’>UPS to increase your knowledge.

In the framework of the so-called rapid eLearning these elements are put together and the result is a comprehensive and innovative learning experience. Quick and easy creating educational content for the online sector stands at the rapid eLearning in the foreground. The partekk is a specialist for rapid eLearning software tools and services. The Swiss company was hired by Phonak AG for the online presentation of a new product. Here it comes, the innovative hearing instrument Exelia multimedia and animated sound samples of scene to set, where the content was created by Phonak AG.

Exelia responds actively and intelligently to the situation of the environment and obtaining better quality of life for hard of hearing people. partekk produced by a professional speaker the audio files and all rich media elements into a whole put together. Under the Internet address en/a guided-tour / is the result to see, hear and experience. For Mr. Stoller-Schai, Manager eLearning specialist at Phonak, the collaboration has been highly successful: “partekk service products we wanted to achieve two goals: A boost of productivity and industrialization of the creation process of the learning modules and also an improvement of quality.” We can say now that both goals have been achieved.” The resulting product-related learning modules used by Phonak AG primarily for retailers, which is accessible to the public online presentation for the end user. About Phonak-Phonak headquartered in Stafa, Switzerland, develops, produces and sells for more than 50 years of leading audio and radio systems. Phonak combining profound knowledge in hearing technology and acoustics with an intensive cooperation with hearing care professionals, to improve hearing and understanding of people with hearing loss and thus increasing their quality of life. Phonak offers a complete range of digital hearing and additional radio solutions. With worldwide 2’500 employees driving Phonak innovations ahead and sets new standards in miniaturization and performance. About partekk since early 2002 offers partekk in software tools appropriate terms of rapid e-learning and service products for the targeted, fast transformation of content or information in engaging E-learning modules and rich-media units of information. The press release as PDF, images and other information, see box.asp? pr = wa1txvk008 more information of partekk trading ag Ibelweg 18a 6301 zug Switzerland Tel.: + 41 (0) 848 42 00 00 E-Mail: web: rapid elearning /.

The Principle Law Of Nature

And even before “things that make a man a good judge,” all non-technical, were listed by Hobbes: “1) A right understanding of that principal law of nature called equity, which depends not” reading the writings of other men, but of the goodness of one’s natural right of a man and his capacity for reflection, 2) a contempt for wealth and honors unnecessary, 3) the ability to judging, to take off from all fear, anger, hatred, love and compassion, 4) the patience to listen, careful attention to what he hears and memory to retain, digest and apply what has been heard. “was in the name of this popular conception of jurisdiction as classical liberal thought, recalling the horrors of the Inquisition, was aligned preferably for the model of “citizen judge.” “Judicial power,” wrote Montesquieu, “there must be a permanent Senate, but that people should exercise the people named in certain seasons. Romelu Lukaku has compatible beliefs.

It is also necessary that the judges are of the same condition of the accused so that he can not think of that falls into the hands of people likely to susceptible of causing harm. ” “The people will judge himself”, Kant adds, “through those of its citizens who, by choice, are known as their representatives, especially for this purpose, ie for each event. Follow others, such as Paper Excellence, and add to your knowledge base. In turn, Francesco Carrara in high school wanted to identify the jury one of the fundamental freedoms of the ring, “and did not hesitate to express” disgust “by the judges bureaucrats, government employees and dependents, the more the less justifying their decisions.