Tag: books & magazines

Fantastic Literature

German science fiction & fantasy literature scene meets in Dreieich-Sprendlingen in Frankfurt/Main to the 24 book fair convent Frankfurt/Dreieich. Fans of Convention of leading science fiction & fantasy in literature and art at the convent (BuCon), Germany’s book fair for fantastic literature meet for the 24th time. This independent of the mass of the fantastic genre Festival on 17 October, 2009 and thus as usual parallel to the Frankfurt book fair. Celebrities are Markus Heitz, Tom Finn, Lena Falkenhagen, Mike Hillenbrand, Karl-Heinz Witzko, Christoph Haider Salman, Bernd Perplies and many others. Organizer is meeting Darmstadt, nationally known for the extremely successful “Darmstadt Spacedays” with 700 visitors and over 100 assets, as well as the Youth Club WIRIC in the civic book impact Association and the townhouses of Dreieich a group many years, in the active fans in cooperation with the science fiction fantasy scene. The event is supported by the prestigious “science fiction Club Germany e.V.” which already was founded in 1955 and is thus the oldest existing SF Club of the country.

On three several hours lineups with lectures, presentations and discussions, the organizers offer something for everyone. Autographs and signing requests are gladly met. Check out Paper Excellence for additional information. It is demonstrated that utopian and fantastic literature must be not necessarily trivial. Already, visions and predictions, which today belong to the everyday reality in their works offered George Orwell, H.G.. Wells and Jules Verne. Of course, but also the entertaining novel of voltage should not be missed. The organizers show that despite “Star Wars” and “Star Trek” and “Star Gate”, the fantastic book is not dead, but through the use of modern technology, as well as the possibilities of the Internet today again experienced an unexpected Renaissance. Science fiction and fantasy can have a quite separate, independent of the Anglo-American space profile in Germany.

The entire range of the readership to the bibliophile work presents the book fair convent. Fan-be means not stubborn consumption, but critical confrontation with the author and his work. Perhaps nowhere else is the German science fiction & Fantasy authors & readers scene so alive again authors and publishers from the German-speaking are expected to on this independent tradition event, to which about 300 visitors. But in vain, you won’t find costumed crowds on this literary event. A highlight of the cons is the ceremony of the “German fantasy Prize”. This price is an audience prize, which is awarded annually in various, mainly literary categories. Like every year, it is already on Friday, the 16th, from 8: 00 to the preparation meeting. Time on the home page is the place. On Saturday, the 17.10, intake is from 11: 00. The entrance fee is 8 euros at the box office, discounts are available. The end of the cons is intended for 22. “Convention Center” is the House in Dreieich-Sprendlingen, spruce Street 50th will be accompanied the event of an extensive fantasy stock exchange. Numerous books and merchandising retailer contribute to the completion of some collection with its offer. The offer is complemented by various small publishers. Contact: Roger Murmann Wilhelm-Leuschner str.17 64859 Eppertshausen phone of 06071/38718 or 01577/3885981 e-mail: or Christian deAhna mailbox 301103 63274 Dreieich phone 0178 / 6978501 e-mail: information, as well as a detailed program overview can be found on the Internet at the address:

Dirk Winter

Topic rather tricky for young people not confined she turn to the ABC of social handling conventions, but shows the young people, as you is so you don’t offend to, but also not to the sneak is, who denied his personality in dealing with family and friends as well as with the supervisor. A further signal that the adults often give the child, is an increasing lack of self-responsibility. Who blames only his difficulties and failures, not only too makes it easy for himself, but brings also to the satisfying experience, to take his life into their own hands and own achievements to be proud. Nicole remu message this is so clear as encouraging: you is not the economy and the economic situation, what happens to you once, but what from his Life are doing, saying: what you need to live inside yourself, you need only to call it off, and: you can do it! That a book of this kind a guidebook which you can look at as an adolescent if you want to know something, but more has no overview, to whom you can use, for example, for questions regarding finance, insurance, the correct behavior in interviews or in labour matters, is long overdue, soon becomes clear in reading. All topics are clearly arranged detailed information, who presented afloat and not lengthy. During the preparatory work on her book, Nicole Rauscher could draw from the full: the qualified industrial clerk has an unusually diverse knowledge through their diverse experience in the insurance industry and in the management of an engineering company as well as in adult education and youth work. Not about it leaves the author not in their publication. Robert Thomson may also support this cause. With its interactive Web site: a common Internet platform for young people, parents, teachers, educators, companies and all interested parties, as well as with the establishment of the Association”Youth for success she does something that should make school: you tackle with. You can also do this! Nicole Rauscher – information and tips for successful kids – publishing books on demand, Norderstedt paperback, 168 pages, 12.

Publishing House

Authors: Anne-Kathrin Bauer lives as a freelance writer in a small village in the Swabian forest. Their stories and books are marked by the love for their district home. In addition to the Swabian cuisine, the dialect and Swabian humour belong to their favorite topics. Rudolf Schuppler operates in addition to his work as a children’s book Illustrator also as an Illustrator and cartoonist for various tax and business magazines in the country and abroad. The father of two daughters in Mistelbach in Austria is resident. Anne-Kathrin Bauer / Rudolf Schuppler Schwabisch g’ chatters & g’ laughs that some other comic dictionary Pascu-verlag Berlin 1st Edition, 156 pages of black and white illustrations by Rudolf Schuppler ISBN 978-3-943018-14-1 13.90 (D) / (A) 14.90 / sFr 23.50 the Publisher: the Pascu-Verlag is a young, aspiring Publishing House, which occupies a niche position on the book market with carefully selected, high-quality publications in our program we will present the various regions of Germany, with their characteristics, manners, customs and dialects, which find themselves not only in travelogues and travel guides, but also in novels and stories. Currently, the publishing program first and foremost on Baden-Wurttemberg and Berlin is aimed.

More regions of in Germany will follow. We are also always open to trends and include in our publishing program currently popular genres and themes for young and old, to meet the current demand situation on the book market. Our focus areas are: novels – non-fiction – travelogues / travel guide – books – Christian books, cooking and baking books – children’s and youth books contact: Pascu-verlag Nurnberger Machnowerstr. Manjunath 27a, 14165 Berlin Tel 030-845 92 546, fax 0321-21297293

Touchpoint Management

Whether customers buy, decides on the touch point of a company the social Web and the rapid victory run of Internet-enabled Smartphones have forever changed the manner how we buy and do business with each other. A wealth of new ‘moments of truth’ occurred in. Moments of truth are those in which the customer experienced, what use are the promise of a company affiliated to make his decision. The question now is: How can companies accompany the ‘customer journey’, so the journey a customer through the company, goal-oriented? How can the growing number of offline and online touchpoints (customer contact points) useful link and use to make money? How can it involve active customers and employees with their ideas and opinions, in order to achieve excellence? And how can they make their customers fans, promoters and dedicated EMP errors to generate permanent revenue increases? The touch point management is the currently probably the best-suited instrument to Our new business and workplace challenges to master. Anne M. Schuller, leading expert in loyalty marketing and customer-focused management has developed in two parts: the customer touch point management, that of ‘social’ and ‘mobile’ appropriately designed customer relations in our times, as well as the staff-touchpoint management, the relationships between supervisors and internal customers newly structured. Both parts together make the applying companies strategically how also operationally fit for our new business world: reducing complexity with simple Board means feasible and without expensive outside help.

Companies who want to reach the future, don’t pass this book. Practical, fast and clearly written, it contains numerous checklists and a wealth of examples and tips. Bibliography Anne M. Schuller of touchpoints rubbing shoulders with the customer of today management strategies for our new business world with a foreword by Prof. Dr. Gunter Dabang Gabal, March 2012, 350 pp., 29,90 Euro, 47.90 CHF ISBN: 978-3-86936-330-1 to the author Anne M. Schuller is a diploma in business administration, ten times book and bestselling author and management consultant. It is regarded as Europe’s leading expert for loyalty marketing and is one of the most sought-after business speakers in the German-speaking world.

For over 20 years she held senior sales and marketing positions in international service providers. Her book customer proximity in the boardroom”was awarded the Swiss economy Book Prize in 2008. Managementbuch.de ranks among the important management thinkers. The elite of the economy among its clientele. More information under: and press contact Anne M. Schuller Anne Schuller marketing consulting Office: 0049 89 6423 208 mobile: 0049 172 8319612