Step compare the suitability of my features found under the proposal. If a few sentences, identify the most suitable in my case.

Now we will comment on each step individually. Comments on Step 1. No need to analyze their strengths in an area in which you have been educated or are working now. If you were there all the material suit, – you would not be reading this entry. Unfortunately, I’m looking for is not where it is necessary, as long as casually read a book “Safety or the success of” Burke Hedges, and discovered that in addition to their specialty – I am a specialist, an expert with 42 years experience in marketing and advertising! Moreover, due to such abilities I possess wit capital of more than $ 100 000 (“Domestic gold” Steve W. Price) Yes! – Since birth, I am an expert in purchases of goods and services, as well as their targeted advertising. I am sure you will – too. Since most of his life buying goods and services that advance research the market on price, quality, and then, depending on the degree of satisfaction with your purchase, directly advertising among his peers.

Note that this is a great area – no need to be trained and retrained, it is already able to do: consume products (marketing), and transmit information (advertising). Comments to step 2. With these qualities in the field of marketing and advertising need to find someone who will appreciate your experience and ready to pay for it.