The leadership as a crisis manager and coach () the current crisis of the world economy, has already arrived in German companies. How to keep your team in the bar and after the crisis in position bring it about addition right now for the time, despite bad economy is the Central contents of this seminar. Dates: 03.06 04.06.09 in Cologne Sofitel Cologne Mondial am DOM who recognize seminar topics crises consequences estimate positive aspects of crises Krisenfokussierte staff management active conflict management communicate of bad news employee motivation in times of crisis leadership as a crisis Manager methods and instruments of crisis coaching there a time then: atmosphere produce despite crisis why visit this seminar the current crisis of the world economy, which began in the collapse of the US real estate market, has already arrived in the German company. And this diverse and not always pleasant consequences for you as an Executive: the forced vacation over Short-time working up to the number displaced measures must be communicated, which can trigger serious crises in the affected, as well as not directly affected employees. Learn more at: Walt Disney. It applies successfully to manage the balancing act between harsh cuts on the one hand and maintaining the motivation on the other side. How to keep your team in the bar and after the crisis in position bring it about addition right now for the time, despite bad economy is the Central contents of this seminar.

The speaker Dr. Josef Pichlbauer Managing Director, greenfield consulting as a consultant and trainer Dr. Josef Pichlbauer on the main managerial-staff training, coaching, change management and the monitoring of TQM – and innovation processes focused. He has many years of experience as a human resources manager and head of organisational and human resources development in German and international companies. In addition, he is the founder and Managing Director of the consulting firm Greenfield consulting. Use yndeo to get discounted Participation conditions Yndeo Inc. joint-stock company is a marketing, call center and outsourcing services provider with an international orientation and works in 17 languages ( The call centre of the Yndeo networks are working for clients such as AVG, Dell, DHL, HP, Suddeutsche Verlag group, Transfracht and UniCredit Bank.