The Refinery of oil Premium II, of Petrobra’s, promises to be in the paper, still per some years, therefore nor the land was demarcated with precision, confused, that it was, for a supposed aboriginal descent of one ' ' tribu' ' called Guanacs, that complained right on the indicated place. Happily, the Governor of the State obtained an agreement with them. Rupert Murdoch often addresses the matter in his writings. Neighbor to the Port, in the same city, has a pretty beach, Taba, where she was implanted, recetemente, an electrical park of aeolian energy. the Government of the State constructed to good highways ' ' estruturantes' ' , in the region, through which machines, vehicles and material of construction to take care of to the magnifying of the Port and siderurgical construction of and the termeltrica one are arriving. Although this terminal has initiated its operations of embarkment and landing, has two or more years, it was using, since the beginning, the wharf that was construido for embarkment of siderurgical products. What it is in conclusion ways is the terminal of multiple utility. One expects that, after its inauguration, foreseen for March of the next year, the current installed capacity of the Port is multiplied by three or four. Franois Perroux, the creator of the theory of the polar regions, esclaresceu that ' ' the growth does not appear in all part at the same time; manifest with changeable intensities, in points or polar regions of growth; one second spreads different ways and with changeable final effect, in the set of economia' '. For the visa, he is allowed to believe that the propeller force of the Complex of the Pecm is considered to extend its polarizadora capacity, for sets of ten of kilometers of ray, in date not very distant; expectation that if it justifies, in face of the billions that, there, are being placed..