We stop to listen to our politicians, the no longer – still – know their souls have sold at the tables of international financial markets and thus have lost any sense of Justice and democracy. Politicians who are only involved where they find a few cents in their households, they can play to the banks and speculators. It is almost the only political business on which they still understand. You have sold, our nations themselves and we us with them in an economical, uncontrollable monsters. Worldwide, everyone can watch the disaster, which they’ve done in their distress and the departure of alternatives.

This was no blame, because it hits us all. Special fault that self-righteous, selfish functioning financial sector pulled us over the table of a based only on profit without justice. Managers who have run down their company can go to the bankruptcy court. Politicians who have run down their nation can’t do that – they should make room for the philosopher of Justice honest professionals, for people who have visions and initiate the rescue of our around the world and have seriously mean it. We don’t listen to Helmut Schmidt, said, who has visions should go to the doctor. He would have rather generalised had, then Einstein and many inventors and discoverers in psychiatry were landed. A vision with respect to the society and their development is only a vision – not more, not less. In our economic presence – with their macabre rules that result in an uncertain future, with more and more poverty, there is no way to give the money to the here named billions of people need our whole world within the meaning of the concept of Justice, freedom and democracy.

The money, which will bring miracles on his way. We need new economic thinking and of regulations. This science, must be rethought in its current form, before it does more damage. Global basic service for people and Nations – the way to another company. An approach or the approach at all: Seite%20Download.html Wolfgang Bergmann