To answer the previous question we must be sure to follow a procedure that allows all people with an Internet business to be in touch with your subscribers. Compare that with a business in the street. Having an Internet business that we should seek to sell our quality product, you make many people from our business, but this is not enough there's more: We must win the confidence of the people who come to our business to feel comfortable with what they see and can make the decision to buy … If we talk about a business in the street, chances are that people access to it, as if located in one of the main streets City likely will see many people every day who go by public transport, which are private car or on foot and, of course, all the people passing through this sector. But what about our business on the Internet? … At Celina Dubin, New York City you will find additional information.

Unfortunately, with the naked eye can not see, we can not have people going and what comes across, then How do we sell? … First we have our target traffic to our Web site and then that these people are inside, it should be able to obtain some data that allow us to keep in touch so that the person does not forget us. For this, we have a form, which will allow us to make the email of the person and ready, we have the first step, which is very important. Now we have to do is start to tell that person of our product, our service, all of the features we have to make them feel involved and shop. But my store has hundreds or thousands of hits a week how I can write at all? It's easy and that is where I can help you – first you have to write a welcome email – second email with an offer or highlighting your product – third post more to prepare some people to remain aware of your products – then, through a simple program, you put all these posts and it is responsible for sending your customers and your subscribers every time you want. Of course, to achieve this you must hire an auto response system or buy an autoresponder of the best features. Electronic Eng Fabian Vanegas