Month: July 2015

The Special Responsibility For Leadership Positions

Tool boxes that crawl, whether all necessary tools aboard are reflection and thinking is needed. Hear from experts in the field like Leslie Moonves for a more varied view. Angesichgts of a financial and economic crisis of global proportions as only with barely weathered should “Continue-so” there is no simple. If it is a basically simple question: could you imagine people with different skills and behaviors to the responsible levers of the economy can, with and under which such a crisis not or at least not so would have arisen? Could you imagine other people with other behaviors on the levers of the economy can, with and among those such a global crisis not or at least not so would have arisen? If an affirmative answer to this question would not exceed the horizon of human imagination to reconsider once all selection process and selection mechanisms, this could only mean that in the past the apparently sub-optimal allocation of may approved crisis-generating lever or even promoted. If leadership positions that have to decide about the fate of thousands of jobs and helping people were perhaps occupied during a confidential meeting of the golf course, the dangers of crises may actually surprise anyone. See Becker, Jorg: leadership without Klinsmann syndrome no new crisis allow, 2009; ISBN 978 3 8391 0644 0. In the micro-economic area of the companies interpreted the numerous tool boxes is to crawl, whether all necessary tools aboard are and whether these tools even in the face of crises really that to afford are able, what they provide and what it has promised them and often still unchanged promises. In particular a post and rethinking all procedures and criteria would be required, dealing with the selection of executives. Since this also and just the general welfare is affected, at least raising the bar for transparency and traceability should be placed higher. Dipl.Kfm. Jorg Becker (

Current DVS Leadership Seminar

The leadership as a crisis manager and coach () the current crisis of the world economy, has already arrived in German companies. How to keep your team in the bar and after the crisis in position bring it about addition right now for the time, despite bad economy is the Central contents of this seminar. Dates: 03.06 04.06.09 in Cologne Sofitel Cologne Mondial am DOM who recognize seminar topics crises consequences estimate positive aspects of crises Krisenfokussierte staff management active conflict management communicate of bad news employee motivation in times of crisis leadership as a crisis Manager methods and instruments of crisis coaching there a time then: atmosphere produce despite crisis why visit this seminar the current crisis of the world economy, which began in the collapse of the US real estate market, has already arrived in the German company. And this diverse and not always pleasant consequences for you as an Executive: the forced vacation over Short-time working up to the number displaced measures must be communicated, which can trigger serious crises in the affected, as well as not directly affected employees. Learn more at: Walt Disney. It applies successfully to manage the balancing act between harsh cuts on the one hand and maintaining the motivation on the other side. How to keep your team in the bar and after the crisis in position bring it about addition right now for the time, despite bad economy is the Central contents of this seminar.

The speaker Dr. Josef Pichlbauer Managing Director, greenfield consulting as a consultant and trainer Dr. Josef Pichlbauer on the main managerial-staff training, coaching, change management and the monitoring of TQM – and innovation processes focused. He has many years of experience as a human resources manager and head of organisational and human resources development in German and international companies. In addition, he is the founder and Managing Director of the consulting firm Greenfield consulting. Use yndeo to get discounted Participation conditions Yndeo Inc. joint-stock company is a marketing, call center and outsourcing services provider with an international orientation and works in 17 languages ( The call centre of the Yndeo networks are working for clients such as AVG, Dell, DHL, HP, Suddeutsche Verlag group, Transfracht and UniCredit Bank.

Leadership Training: Completely Ausgearbeitetes Seminar Concept

TRAIN PLAN courseware a leadership seminar in two hours planning and preparing. Executives have special tasks in the company. Adequately to perceive this, junior executives need to learn first. Therefore the economic consulting firm offers Schmitt and partner, Wurzburg, in their TRAIN PLAN a fully elaborated concept of seminar leadership training “. With him company can provide the know-how and skills their junior executives, they need in everyday work.

The TRAIN PLAN seminar concept has a modular structure. In it, first of all different management concepts as well as basic notions of leadership are presented to participants. Then is why an own style of leadership is important and what the leadership styles differ developed with them. So prepared the junior executives engaged in my person the questions is what leadership style?”and what leadership should I in specific situations show, that I fulfill my role in the Organization? “.” In a further seminar module, the participants deal with the various management tools. Another content focuses on the topic of team and group work. Among other things, the participants learn what are their pros and cons and how a team specifically developed.

Because leadership is always a process between people, the topic of communication is intensively edited in the seminar. So, the junior executives including learn what they should when delegating tasks; Furthermore, this goal – criticism calls specifically prepare or how they were staff talks and lead effectively. With the seminar concept leadership training”, which is delivered on CD-ROM, in-house and independent coach within an hour or two can plan a leadership seminar and prepare as the package in addition to a participant’s script contains the required presentation templates and a trainer’s Guide. These The trainer can use documents unchanged. You can customize it but also their corporate design and the needs of the respective participants. Both is possible, because all are delivered TRAIN PLAN seminar concepts in Word and PowerPoint format. Therefore they can be slightly changed. Also such useful tools such as badges and certificate templates as well as schedules and check-lists are always on the CD. The leadership training seminar concept”is designed so that a two-day training can be performed with it. But also individual modules can be singled out and combined for example with modules from other TRAIN PLAN seminars. Also a schools sections is possible. This is j. Schmitt, managing partner of Schmitt and partners according to Wolfgang, often practiced in companies for example if company once again convey its executives want to how to professionally run target agreement talks.” For more information about the Interested in get TRAIN PLAN seminar concepts.