Tag: noticias-actualidad

SDSS Theory

A star with mass less than the Sun (0.8 or less) that has been discovered in the milky way has puzzled scientists, who did not have that it could exist something like this, something that goes against current theories of star formation. The rarity of the star, called SDSS J102915 + 172927 is that it consists almost entirely of hydrogen and helium, with tiny amounts of some other element heavier than those two, i.e. what astronomers call metals. A generally accepted theory predicts that the stars as this one, with low mass and extremely low amounts of metals, should not exist because the clouds of matter from which stars are formed would never condense, explains Elisabetta Caffau, leading the team author of the finding, in a release from the European Southern Observatory (ESO), whose telescopes in Chile have discovered this rarity. Was a surprise finding, for the first time, a star in this prohibited area of theory and means that we may have that review models of star formation, adds this researcher from the University of Heidelberg, Germany, and the Paris Observatory. Source of the news:: A star that should not exist.

Madrid Everest

Sport transmits values which these are not. Attempting just reaching the top of Everest without oxygen. Oiarzabal: He was playing balls during its descent. Edurne Pasaban has ensured Friday that criticism among mountaineers, as the discharged against her by Juanito Oiarzabal, are doing much harm to Spanish mountaineering. We are giving a bad image.

Sport transmits values that these are not, he said, with reddened eyes, in a press conference at the airport of Barajas and the broken voice. Passed has landed at eight o’clock in the morning in Madrid on a flight from Qatar, after trying without success to reach the Summit of Mount Everest without oxygen. For anything we put as an excuse the rescue of Lhotse so as not to summit Everest, he has affirmed the puppetry. Oiarzabal accused passed on Wednesday, at a press conference in Vitoria, of having used his rescue in the Lhotse to cover the failure of his expedition. In addition, said that the expedition of the Basque not be He bobbed from base camp until the last moment and the balls were touching while the descended in a sorry state. Passed recognized be very hurt – these statements hurt the people who we want to – and before the question that why they had not participated in the rescue of Oiarzabal and had been coordinating at the base camp, was limited to say: I recommend that you go to the base camp of Everest and see what is the Himalayas. Ask him why he has said what he has said. In the base camp we had a good relationship, said Pasaban at Barajas airport.

The montanera has commented that the Spanish expeditions in the Himalayas are not frowned: say that you always mount trouble. This year was not ours. We are back home with the illusion of try again and with the satisfaction of doing things well, she added. According to his account, the expedition Everest without O2 left Spain last April, after 42 days in the field base with hard work and a good climate adaptation attempted to reach his goal on May 21, but desisted by bad weather and strong wind. They intended to retry, but participation in the rescue of the Andalusian Mountaineer Lolo Gonzalez, who was lost on the descent of Lhotse, and later Juanito Oiarzabal, which took a hard fall Summit due to lack of nutrition and hydration, according to the own mountaineer, left them exhausted.Lolo was a dangerous site, had fallen ropes and was a complicated bailout, said Pasaban, who has assured that if it had not been for the support of commercial expeditions, such as the Benegas brothers, you don’t know what might have happened. About rescue Oiarzabal, said he had done what had to be done and it has ensured that not repent anything, although it has been predicted that in the Himalayas will be thinking about doing these things from now. The Basque climber It is the first woman who has managed hollar top of the fourteen eight-thousanders in the world, and with this expedition, wanted to culminate his gesta on the higher ridges of the planet with an ascent without oxygen to Everest’s 8,848 meters.

Chinese Taxes

The artist and Chinese dissident, arrested on 3 April without an official order, refund of all taxes that have allegedly evaded. The designer of the Olympic Stadium in Beijing has been released by his good attitude and chronic disease suffering, according to police sources. The dissident and Chinese artist Ai Weiwei has been released on bail due to his good attitude and after confessing their crimes, once the past April 3 was arrested without an official order, as reported Wednesday by local police in a statement released by the official Xinhua Agency. The brief message ensures that another reason to release to the designer of the Olympic Stadium in Beijing has been the chronic disease that suffers, not to mention diabetes and high tension afflicting the 53-year-old artist, and which will return all the tax money that has allegedly evaded. However, the older sister of Weiwei, Gao Ge, said in a telephone conversation that the family It has not yet official news of his release nor has been able to communicate with him. The arrest sparked condemnations from Western Governments as the EE UU, France, Germany, Taiwan, Australia or Japan, as well as the European Union, organizations of human rights and the arts sector and museum world, since it occurred in the midst of one of the most repressive campaigns of the Chinese regime in decades. Although Beijing said that the dissident was being investigated for an alleged economic crime, family, the States and institutions that have requested his release considered that the detention of the artist was due to his outspoken opposition to the Chinese regime and its human rights dnsa.

However, the police statement asserts that Ai has confessed his crimes and has reiterated that he is willing to pay the taxes evaded, and that does not have an official figure so far. Destruction of accounting documents according to the police statement, the company owned by Weiwei supposedly investigated, call The Beijing Fake Cultural Development, would have escaped a lot of taxes and intentionally destroyed the accounting documents. The family of the artist has not received any official news of his release, unaware of his current whereabouts and still not has failed to speak with Ai, noted the stepsister. One of multiple Internet platforms that support the artist and have been informed of the details of his arrest, called Ai Weiwei Never Sorry, points out that of intellectual, Gao Ying, mother will not comment about his alleged confession of tax evasion until not to talk with him and check their State of health. The official note not reported neither the situation nor the whereabouts of four others who were arrested along with the artist, and who are his cousin and driver, her accountant, one of the designers of its study and a journalist friend of dissident.