Tag: services & consulting

Current DVS Leadership Seminar

The leadership as a crisis manager and coach () the current crisis of the world economy, has already arrived in German companies. How to keep your team in the bar and after the crisis in position bring it about addition right now for the time, despite bad economy is the Central contents of this seminar. Dates: 03.06 04.06.09 in Cologne Sofitel Cologne Mondial am DOM who recognize seminar topics crises consequences estimate positive aspects of crises Krisenfokussierte staff management active conflict management communicate of bad news employee motivation in times of crisis leadership as a crisis Manager methods and instruments of crisis coaching there a time then: atmosphere produce despite crisis why visit this seminar the current crisis of the world economy, which began in the collapse of the US real estate market, has already arrived in the German company. And this diverse and not always pleasant consequences for you as an Executive: the forced vacation over Short-time working up to the number displaced measures must be communicated, which can trigger serious crises in the affected, as well as not directly affected employees. Learn more at: Walt Disney. It applies successfully to manage the balancing act between harsh cuts on the one hand and maintaining the motivation on the other side. How to keep your team in the bar and after the crisis in position bring it about addition right now for the time, despite bad economy is the Central contents of this seminar.

The speaker Dr. Josef Pichlbauer Managing Director, greenfield consulting as a consultant and trainer Dr. Josef Pichlbauer on the main managerial-staff training, coaching, change management and the monitoring of TQM – and innovation processes focused. He has many years of experience as a human resources manager and head of organisational and human resources development in German and international companies. In addition, he is the founder and Managing Director of the consulting firm Greenfield consulting. Use yndeo to get discounted Participation conditions Yndeo Inc. joint-stock company is a marketing, call center and outsourcing services provider with an international orientation and works in 17 languages (www.yndeo.de). The call centre of the Yndeo networks are working for clients such as AVG, Dell, DHL, HP, Suddeutsche Verlag group, Transfracht and UniCredit Bank.

Project Financing

A separate fund company is founded in the scope of such a project financing, which is used as a special purpose vehicle for the realization of the project. The investment fund as such needs to be establishing any regulatory approval, unless it was to a specific investment fund under the law on investment companies (KAGG). It initiates a fund company, whose sole purpose of which is to obtain the financing of equity and debt capital for a major project. The fund initiators are project developers, who want to sell the later finished object of the Fund to a mutual fund or a large corporate or institutional investor regularly. The fund initiators include but also industrial companies and holding groups that want to use the finished Fondsobjket later for their own operational business purposes and not resell.

In this way, the financing and the initial cost burden from the own balance sheet is spun off. A fund company is typical way initiated as a double-deck company and regularly installed in the legal form of a GmbH & Co KG. The initiator of the project to be financed takes over the management of the Fund of the GmbH and the GmbH, while the lenders and investors with appropriate equity as limited partners participate in the KG as holding company or operating company. Usually, a fund trustee is interposed for simplified handling of accession by Fund shareholders who shall exercise the rights of shareholders. The Fund shareholders are so co-owner and co-partner (fund shareholder) of the project to be financed, while the Fund initiator can use the Fund object within its operational business activities. The Fund GmbH & Co KG regularly financed the owned object in a mixed financing from debt (Bank part-financing) and equity capital in the form of limited in situations of Fund shareholders.

The limited partner make it a “financing pool”, where pro rata according to their Participation may. The Fund shareholders are voting shareholders of the Fund, which is primarily a holding company of the investment object with its limited in layers. The holding fund is regularly temporary – E.g. to 15 years – and will be liquidated at the end of the term (dissolved), in which the object of the Fund is sold. The selling price is then proportionately paid to the shareholders of the Fund and distributed. It is not a closed-end Fund to the individual project funding, but to a Fund for the financing of several projects, one speaks of a vacuumed. “open funds”, which is regularly time indefinite. The open-ended Fund has limited “blind pool character”, as future projects are still undecided at inception of the Fund. It only the Systematics of the investment of project and the nature of individual projects are set in the Fund, E.g. only future investments in solar and wind farms. Outside the stock exchange, there are a number of different funds with different operational business tick: real estate funds, ship funds, leasing funds environmental fund, solar funds (including solar farms and photovoltaic systems), wind park Fund, aircraft Fund, Media Fund (including film), CHP Fund (cogeneration, biomass gas plants, etc.), mezzanine funds, private equity funds, venture capital funds. Dr. Horst S. Werner, Gottingen

So Choose The Right Certification Company From

Spoilt for choice – the certification market is great and the selection of the appropriate certifying is not always easy. The market for certification is large. In Germany alone, there are about 100 certification companies, about five large. Smaller certifiers have specialized in industries. Actually, who oversees the certifiers? Generally, the certification shall be subject to the non-regulated area. This means that actually everyone here can do and what he wants.

To have here a similar standard, there are the regulations DIN for certification EN ISO/IEC 17021 “The certification of management systems – requirements for Zertitfizierungsstellen” accredited certification bodies can have that. Their certifiers should be so Akkrediert. This is for example the DAKKS, formerly TGA in Germany. These rules prohibits for example that a company may not at the same time advise and zertizieren, which is also logical. We believe everyone would lose a large part of the trust, if an expert organization at a Finds a deficiency review (such as the General inspection of the car) and then in the same breath offered a repair for this purpose. That may be true service-oriented, leaves but always just the question, whether the defect was actually exist or only business wanted to be generated and was therefore unfair. Unfortunately could each stand its own certification rules and after this accreditation also settle, as also already on the market.

Here you will find yourself quickly on ice who knows already the requirements for a certification authority? So whatever that make sure that rules in the accreditation DIN. More rules arise as well at the skill and qualification of Auditors (DIN EN ISO 19011), are working for these companies. Most certification companies can offer an appropriate added value your customers this: indicate potential for the promotion of the system and the customer can rely on a great wealth of experience and specialist skills of Auditors.

Forgotten Questions

Accountant Monika Nadler from Brunswick informed various planning steps required before you can implement a business idea into action, are. In the context of the start-up advice of of existence of, takes the accountant Monika Nadler from Brunswick to the concerns of budding entrepreneurs and accompanied start-ups developing the business idea to the signing of the trade. While it indicates particularly aspects, like available when planning a business in the background. You should make a number of issues if you plan to start a business. “In the first place is the question will I be really independent?” Firstly, the independence brings a variety of obligations. In addition, the economy in advance is only difficult to calculate.

And to start a company, many entrepreneurs need to borrow. These are examples of factors that play a role in the question of whether you want to be really independent. So anyone who has a business projects, must think perspective and the personal effects of a possible independence in the calculus. “Then you should know I’m technically suitable?” Without the necessary skills, which requires the target industry, a founding to fail is doomed. Planners should be aware about the own competences in the clear and may educate themselves before they actually realized the Foundation projects. What are the costs associated with establishing?” Often, lose the cost of bringing their projects to sight entrepreneur or are not even aware of those. A dedicated list of cost factors in the framework of the business plan usually helps to prevent unpleasant surprises.

Also various financing options to consider must be considered in the context. Am I eligible for the independence?” This is a question that often is forgotten, but then at the latest should be, if the business idea is clear. Because not everyone can become self-employed by legal page in any any industry. Among other things the crafting professions are subject to special regulations, which are to be considered when the company was founded. Monika Nadler existence establishment Consulting deals with these and many other questions. Through individual and competent advice, it helps to young entrepreneurs in the independence. For questions and more information, always happy, Ms. Nadler becomes available.

BBW Marketing Dr. Vossen And Valido Research Agree On A New Series Of Studies

The industry special investigations combine extensive consumer analysis with special qualitative evaluations bbw marketing Dr. Vossen and partner and consumer goods sectors publish valido research in Nuremberg from now regularly studies various industries, mostly. This is not fundamentally new, but the data extraction or whose further processing is new. Many modes of operation and types of trade have exceeded the high point of their life cycle, as shown in the decline of department stores, catalog mailers and large full-range supplier in the textile sector. Trade needs new strategies strategies that better meet the needs of consumers, which are planned by the customers here and assume not only the shopping. The trade must be innovative, must be the overall concept. For many years the price policy at the forefront of many modes of operation and types of trade confessed in Germany, in particular in case the self-service department stores, retailers and, of course, of the discounter.

The Prices are down, they can be hardly further reduced because otherwise the substance of the enterprise will be destroyed. Therefore, the business models available in the future in the foreground and not unilaterally business pricing policies of the company. >. It’s about the total vote of the individual building blocks of enterprise policy. And here the demand structures of consumers and on the other hand based on sales innovations of the provider are crucial. The development of new business models by new technologies has received a huge boost. In the first place, the Internet is of course to name a few, the emergence of E-Commerce and mobile commerce, and thus special variants of the shipping trade, a business model, not least due to this Internet technology actually every one can access on, who has the courage to do so. But there are other technologies that drive the format developments. The inventiveness and innovation ability of the persons acting in the truest sense of the word an aspect however, is basically in the foreground: what does the consumer want? Starting point all business model considerations must be the end of the supply chain and that’s the consumer or the user now! Trading must arise still known, but also totally new trends.