Year: 2019

Correa Administration

Between 2001 and 2008 the inflation rate average of Ecuador was 7.2% while the average inflation in the United States was 2.5%. If well during the period 2004 to 2007 the inflation rate retail in Ecuador is reduced to an average of 2.81%, while in three of those four years below the American retailer, in 2008 inflation rate revived inflationary pressures by registering a variation of 8.8%. The highest rate of differential inflation affects the competitiveness of the Ecuadorian economy with negative consequences on the results of trade balance. At the moment, this negative effect was not reflected at all but it has an explanation. The result of the trade Balance has been able to maintain thanks to the increase observed in the average price of oil in 2008. 63% Of exports of Ecuador responded to the oil sector.

The oil sector has contributed to the growth of the economy and sustaining stability in the fiscal and accounts external to hiding behind the deterioration of the Ecuadorian economy. The so-called Dutch disease, which occurs when the exploitation of a natural resource generates an appreciation Exchange rate-destructive for the rest of the products of an economy sectors, seems to be that step is opening up. Higher expected inflation will exacerbate the issue of appreciation of the kind of real change in the Ecuadorian economy and will be more vulnerable to the external sector of Ecuador. There are already elements to anticipate expansionary monetary policy initiatives, within which a dollarized economy allows. The expected contraction of GDP of Ecuador for the present year (- 0.2% according to LatinFocus) and the low rate of growth that is anticipated for the 201 (from 2.3% in an economy that needs a higher rate of growth), are a temptation for the Correa administration suggest expansionary policies. But the question of monetary policy, added two other problems for the sustainability of the model in Ecuador.

One relates to the projection of taxable income for the current year and for 2010. According to the survey by LatinFocus, for this year is expected to the Ecuadorian economy to observe a fiscal deficit of 3.7% of GDP and 2.5% for 2010. This fiscal deficit will mean partly, current account deficit, the second problem, which according to the survey of LatinFocus projections, will reach 2.7 per cent of GDP this year and 1.6% in 2010. The default in which incurred Ecuador long ago closed you external markets to finance what can put under tension to the economy of Ecuador in case of need to make funds, just when the wallet of Chavez is not available. Under this context, it becomes very difficult to think that the model of dollarization of the Ecuadorian economy can be sustained. Are the Correa Administration will be evaluating seriously what you are doing?

Administration Office

The miscarriages and held back information of the previous year rightly bring the rabbit Thaler citizens on the Palm. In addition, and also remains inconceivable – from the perspective of residents and parents, why such closure plans only 2 years ago a huge sum of money invested in the asphalting of the schoolyard, a tip-top outer wall construction and the construction of an imposing security network around the schoolyard. Questions remain on the need for renovation. Are there 30,000 euro (the evaluation of field-proven specialists) or 2 million, as announced by the Administration Office with worry about wrinkles? Between official and political chairs primary school saves only, making the citizen’s initiative at the moment: even tackle stubbornly remain informed, and demand information. Time is money or life, not only for the primary school Hasenthal with each exhausted argument of the school administration office increase the chances that the political reason prevails and the primary school of Hasenthal. maintained. The fragmentary information flow of in recent months can be the fear fester further, that which then drops a new.

Still not enough time for the delay. With the playground equipment, improved fire protection and coarse repair of factory space, the school start of the new school year is likely 2013/14 on the spot. Keeping the activities of the citizens initiative to save the primary school Hasenthal in vain, offers for the village a death scenario “with expensive consequences for decision makers, who are now so carelessly in the short term planning. Without primary school is the only reason to stay in the village for many families. Parades are expensive, jobs scarce. New Hartz IV applications are expected. The average age is high. Many end up without helping the children old in a nursing or retirement home – again a cost factor that makes inevitable support IV circumstances Hartz.

Without cultural center, the venue for anyone is attractive. No one drags, will Hasenthal to the country body “-a fate that struck many tracts of land, not only in Thuringia. Modern, real-life ideas versus stale official rigidity as of the other Star parents numerous suggestions came at meeting with decision makers and politicians, to relieve the supposedly worst on your own. A fund with proceeds of the parents has been proposed to remove a required teacher pay to the poor state of Bavaria. Irrelevant, the Office says, because teacher hiring and payment of State matter and no private pleasure is. It was suggested to volunteer to the renovation of the building and the revival of the school garden. At least this could above say nothing. Little time is left to save. The storm of outrage brings parents and citizens on the legs. Whether will the initiative alive, what political shortsightedness leveling want shows up to the school year end at the latest 2012/13. May this article sharing is already a historical testimony about an initiated from above country died. However, the author wishes that an article about the success of the recovered primary school Hasenthal and thus the success of reason against educational nonsense can follow the information about this tug of war. Annette Bankey for: Bader’s writing and Office service

Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival

Singapore (1 June 2011), global site of hotel reservations with base in Asia and part of (NASDAQ:PLCN), presents fantastic deals on hotels to Hong Kong 2011 summer spectacular. Hong Kong is a vibrant metropolis and its qualities exalt during the program known as spectacular summer. This celebration that takes place annually will take place between June 17 and August 31 this year and promises to offer a calendar full of options. To help travelers decide what targets to include in your itinerary, Agoda believe this guide reviewing the agenda of events, schedules and locations. Family fun of first level one of the outstanding events is the Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival.

This year the event will take place between 17 and 19 June and give appointment to more than 150 local teams and 30 international competing for glory in Victoria Harbor crews. Nearby, the garden of the beer San Miguel Jardin of the Centennial will offer as condiments refreshments, live music and dancing. Another event that will surely appeal to families is the exhibition Pixar: 20 years of animation, which is carried out until July 11 at the Museum of the heritage of Hong Kong in Sha Tin. Children of all ages can discover the secrets behind scene of one of the largest companies in the world animation, creator of successes such as Toy Story, Finding Nemo and Monsters. Buy nauseam throughout the summer the city offers excellent discounts to its visitors.

From shops Central design to street stalls in Mongkok, travelers can find excellent discounts in fashion, jewelry, electronics, and memorabilia. As Hong Kong is tax free zone travellers enjoy even more significant savings. Eat, drink and be happy the food exhibition is a must-see for lovers of gastronomy. The event which will take place between 11 and 15 August in the center of conventions and exhibitions in Hong Kong, opportunity to try first class, cuisine receive expert advice and attend famous chefs cooking demonstrations.

Consumer Credit Consolidation

Credit consolidation companies help to reduce your debt individuals trying to redeem their debts often fail to do so on time Peckham to several factors and issues. To find a solution that effectively helps in debt redemption in a sustainable manner, it’s important to study and analyze your debt causes in details – root out the find which your repayment causes and how they’re process. Subsequently, one has to find out exactly what kinds of changes need to be carried out to improve your monthly repayment schedule, and how those changes should be implemented. Etc.(Scotland) start facing problem when they do not have any clues about what’s going wrong, so they can’t correct the situation. In such cases, a practical solution would be to think in terms of debt consolidation a debt correction and repayment process that’s quite simple and easy to understand. Moreover, the debtor has one additional advantage if he or she prefers to consolidate debt – there are several companies like Loansstore which offer free and non profit credit counseling services which can help you to understand debt consolidation plan, and how to avail their benefits to reduce your debt. and make your redeemable easier and more affordable.

So how does debt consolidation help a debtor to make debt repayment easier? Well, you need to look at the overall scenario, and not think in terms of individual or specific debts. People use credit cards, have to make mortgage payments and pay their car loans on time. The credit borrowings are associated with different calendar and loan providers. This means the top has to individually keep track of each loan undertaken, mark their monthly payment date on the calendar, work out the finance from the bank or some other source, and finally make the loan payment. This consumes a lot of time. In addition, one has to coordinate with one’s bank for frequent payments to be paid to various creditors.

A low interest debt consolidation loan program can take care of all these issues by offering a single loan which combines all other loans under one creditor or loan provider. You don’t have to pay individual creditors or lenders. You have to make a single monthly payment to one lender. How does a debt consolidation work? Every loan has to interest rate linked to it, and specific loan terms. The interest Council continued to differ, and may be high or low depending upon the repayment terms and conditions. During a consolidation, your consolidation loan provider pays off all pending loans after negotiating with the calendar who’ve offered the loans and credit cards. During the negotiations, your loan consolidator will try to eliminate the penalties imposed due to missed or late payments, and so seek debt relief by decreasing the net payable loan amount. Thereafter, he or she wants to work out a new loan for you, which will have a new loan amount of all negotiated loans composed. The consolidation provider will then analyze your financial conditions and repaying capacity, and work out at affordable monthly repayment plan consisting of reduced payments. In addition, the interest rate linked with the new loan will thus be reduced, thus helping you save money at the time of redemption. It’s worth thinking about consumer credit consolidation if you’ve incurred loans for your business. Loansstore is the best to consolidation of your dues debt consolidation company when it comes and debts. Consolidate your debts and become debt free today!

Professional Media Communications

Experts say that for an ad to be effective must be fully understood by a child of 10 years. If this child understands this, then understand it either, especially if it comes to consumer products. Mind you, I am not against creativity or the genius, but if not sell our advertising does not work on promotional communications. I worked many years as an account executive international advertising agency and was able to experience and observe the frustration over a poster that made large investments of time and money in the end, results in very poor sales. Before approving a notice must ask: a Is it correctly focused on our target market? a The selected media for dissemination (press, radio, billboards, POP material, TV, internet, etc..) Are coming into my “target”? a “captures the attention of our prospects?

Does it communicate the benefits of our products or services? a Do persuaded to take action? a Does it generate positioning of our brand? It is not advisable to launch an advertising campaign without first is pre-tested through research such as focus groups or surveys, because it is useless to me and my agency we like commercials if they do not motivate my target market to buy or prefer my mark among all competitors in the market. These notes also apply in corporate communication, on crisis management, lobbying campaigns, political communication and propaganda, etc. The principles and processes of communication are similar in marketing communication and corporate communication. In the end it’s all about the same: Build positioning to sell, whether products, ideas or proposals that require popular consent. Everything ended in a sentence: Advertising before all must communicate, not only amuse or entertain, and only not to be complacent. You can read other articles developed to train media professionals in general to design and implement effective communication strategies in their capacity as directors, independent consultants, or from their positions as PR publicists, journalists, heads of corporate communications and / or any other position that requires extensive and updated knowledge for effective performance and immediate positive results.

Association For Mercedes Sport Utility Vehicles Founded In

The MB S.U.V Club e.V. at the start mobilize Mercedes-Benz SUV owners as first German shear-speaking Club in its class. From an Internet community about 70 members strong, owner of Mercedes vehicles now mobilize M, GL and GLK and continue to expand its independent, non-commercial cooperation. With the Foundation of the Association, follow objectives such as guidance on technical questions, arranging meetings for the exchange of information, an attaktives range of off-road driving and short holidays, as well as cooperation in a network of selected Mercedes-Benz subsidiaries, distributors and accessories businesses. “We address model-dependent issues directly from the manufacturer,” reported the first Chairman of the Association of Michael Ritter, and refers to the extensive experience of some members of who test their vehicles for off-road tours through its paces. Other members test their vehicle safety statement on approved routes for the first time. “the Club considered strong community. We stand in the foreground”the interests of the individual members, Discusses Sir Knight, referring to the alternative supplemental program for families that is on offer at each meeting. All interested parties are invited to make contact to the members of the first MB S.U.V Club e.V. in Germany, Austria and of Switzerland.

Pope John Paul II

The Vatican can not remain at the mercy of the productive activity of its own territory, limited to the sale of souvenirs, books, stamps and tickets to museums. But the income account of the Catholic Church throughout the world from: the economic contributions of the States where it has agreements (called Concordats) of funding (Catholic tradition), the donations from Catholics (personally or business), and the profits of enterprises, schools, universities and banks owned by the Church. The economy was severely damaged in 1979 and three years later came the bankruptcy of one of Italy’s most illustrious banks, Banco Ambrosiano, which had international finance from the Vatican, and the murder of its director Roberto Calvi: research consequent reveal that the bank was involved in laundering of Mafia money.Later, Pope John Paul II moved the responsibility of the Vatican’s economy, which, since 1984, would be responsible for finance. Five years later, the Pope conducted a restructuring of economic organization and economic management was entrusted to five internationally recognized financial (under the supervision of a commission of five cardinals). The Vatican agency responsible for these controls is the “Administration of the Patrimony of the Holy See.

Open Space Technology (OST), A Self-organizing System Development

A meeting method that unlocks the full potential and the energies of the participants (5-2000). If we want to develop further socially, we need new and different solutions. Other processes (what?), methods (how?), forms and instruments lead to more qualified content. The exchange of minds brings nothing. The old people of today finally caused our present and future problems.

We need to fill younger heads with natural better solutions: we have to orientate ourselves on the evolution and look down the only natural solution orientation. There are already enough thinkers. The today used skills before yesterday and the management yesterday we can tomorrow not resolve the problems of tomorrow! We must say goodbye by the outdated cybernetico mechanistic cultural steam engines of the problem consideration (disease oriented) and turn to the natural vitalist solutions orientation (health viewing). Management 3rd order (open Active Natur-Systeme) = Cybernetics 3.-1.Ordnung (closed passive systems of cultures). Order and security (from fear) are two essential attitudes of German positively neurotic Manager (or logic). There are the natural uncertainty contrary (and logic). Germany is the country with the world’s highest number of insurance contracts in the statistical per capita average.

The eternally pessimistic Germans assure even your holiday weather. This is sick! Open space technology means a result open event method according to the principle of natural self-organization. “Simple thinkers in management will say: no fixed concept, the chaos will break out!” By the way, nature knows no chaos. The simplicity of the open space technology consists of: sitting in the circle, set up a bulletin board, the ‘Open market’ and to get to work. Leaving familiar paths: If the coffee breaks are the best part of a conference why we develop then not an event format consisting only of coffee breaks? A meeting without an agenda and Meeting Manager? A meeting at which organise the participants themselves and finally speak those things that really matter to them the heart?

The Conference

To understand the reasons for which man must commit a certain action, try to find him a fear factor and the factors of profit. The fear factor implies that the client in order to avoid loss of something (money, work, status) is ready to respond to your offer, and gain factor stimulates the client to agree to your proposal, as it expects to receive certain benefits. It is important to understand that you do not sell your product and its features, and sell solutions problems to specific individuals. What are their problems a person may decide to accept your proposal? All at once, or only part? Significant or not? When we did the conference, half the audience of which came from the regions, we faced just this situation. Our delegates were the following problems: it was necessary to establish contacts with colleagues from across the country, to meet a guru in your field, get answers to their questions and to solve problems with accommodation and travel to the venue. We were the first in our industry who not only sold the right to visit the conference, but myself and booked a hotel parties, and provides a shuttle from the hotel to the venue and back. Thus, we have tried to solve all the problems of our clients, due to which our proposal was for them the most valuable. In addition, based on the fact that the solution always takes the man. While the man did not see or tried your product, you – the only one who can win or push him away from choice.

United Nations Framework Convention

When money speaks, truth is silent. The world divided into the different countries that form it are pending from everything that can happen in the Copenhagen Summit where it will negotiate a new protocol that will replace the Kyoto in 2012. It may be the last chance to prevent a climate change that escapes us definitely hands. The Barcelona Conference will host between 2 and November 6, more than 4,000 delegates from several countries and international observers to arrive at a text of possible agreement at the Conference of the parties COP15 that will take place in December in Copenhagen. It will be held in Copenhagen from 7 to 18 December 2009. This Conference is organized by the United Nations Framework Convention on climate change (UNFCCC), which organizes annual conferences since 1995… Governments members of the United Nations climate change framework Convention will need to reach a global agreement to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases in order to stabilize the climate without harmful interference. The Executive Secretary of the framework Convention on climate change, Yvo de Boer, UN has commented, that the Copenhagen Summit in 2009 is very important to approve a replacement for the Kyoto Protocol m this is a unique opportunity to find solutions to the phenomenon.

In a press conference in Geneva, de Boer has insisted, that that meeting will be key for Governments to achieve a consensus on how to deal with a phenomenon that threatens to melt glaciers, leaving millions of people homeless and cause a humanitarian crisis never seen.We have a great challenge ahead just a year and a half. And I think that this is a unique opportunity to reach a global agreement on climate change. If we are not successful, we agotaremos the multilateral tracks for the solution of the problem.He added that industrialized economies are primarily responsible for and have the economic capacity to act, so it must lead the process.