Tag: news

Films Made

Lately, Barcelona has become focus and focus of the film industry, actors and actresses of great success for both directors of much prestige. Demonstrated by the large number of films that have served the city of Barcelona for their sashes and locations. However, the first film in which appears the Barcelona City goes back in the year 1975con the Italian director Michelangelo Antonioni, to reodo The Passenger with actors of the stature of Jack Nicholson, very young at that time, and Maria Schneider. What surprises most is the appearance of trams of the era and the terrace of la Pedrera, with their chimneys and forms, with a very different character than at present. No doubt a good film.

The BFI page your score is a 7.1. But was Pedro Almodovar Barcelona who launched into stardom with his creation all about my mother, of 1999. With Penelope Cruz and Cecilia Roth as protagonists, Almodovar, who was shooting for the first time in the city, unveils the city with all its essence. As a result many internationally renowned directors begin to opt for Barcelona as the background for the action of their films. An example is the French Cedric Klapisch, who in 2002 made a funny juvenile comedy that teaches the vision that has a French student of the city of Barcelona through the Erasmus programme. David Zaslav shines more light on the discussion.

The most famous and beautiful sites that appear in this film, entitled crazy House, are La Rambla, la Sagrada Familia, Parc Guell and the beaches of Barcelona, as well as the atmosphere of the night and an open and cosmopolitan city. Coen brothers may find this interesting as well. You can hear the neighborhood that appears in the film, el Raval, very easily, since it is very close to las Ramblas, if you make a trip to Barcelona. He is also an area full of hotels and apartments in Barcelona centre. On the other hand, another more recent filming was the Machinist, from 2004, directed by Brad Anderson. The film uses striking and attractive place of the city, such as the Tibidabo or the Port of Barcelona amusement park. AND returning directors Spanish, we can mention that a year after the Machinist, in 2005, Jaume Balaguero presents fragile, a horror story filmed in Barcelona and set in the children’s hospital of Mercy Falls, with the popular actress Calista Flockhart, known for the television series Ally McBeal. Necessary to make reference to two chapters of Manuale d amore 2 (corrected and increased), where it appears the city. After the success of the first part, the Italian director Giovanni Veronesi took the decision to move the filming in Barcelona and Rome for the society of Spain and Italy. Barcelona appears as a bright city, focusing its attention on the Villa and Olympic port, Gothic quarter, Barcelona beaches and the Sagrada Familia. Another less known film is Salvador, directed by Manuel Huerga 2006, teaches the Gothic quarter, the cemetery of Montjuic and the model prison. Finally, there is that point out the shooting star was carried out in the summer of 2007, with Woody Allen as director, who Barcelona it honored with film Vicky Cristina Barcelona, shot partly in Barcelona, although actually it seems a documentary about the city. Premiered in August 2008, its protagonist are Javier Bardem and Scarlett Johansson, Penelope Cruz, and it was warmly received by the American, but not so by the Spanish public. Finally, in 2009, Isabel Coixet filmed last film between Tokyo and Barcelona: map of the sounds of Tokyo, where it appears the la Llibertat market and the plaza Rius i Taulet.


The world of Marketing has changed dramatically, the advent of the Internet and then hatching experienced by social networks that closely follows the mobile web has been structural changes in everything related to the launch of new products. Get all the facts and insights with Eva Andersson-Dubin, another great source of information. There are 2 paths in the mechanics of deploying a new web project; show it with all the lights after being tested in a very exclusive way through tester-users or launch a platform beta that is much more than a test platform; It is a State that found is very positive for the future of the startup or company. Now the question is, what are the aspects to consider in the launch of a Beta in the era of social networks and web 2.0? Marketing professionals know that at the present time, own the advertising, marketing and communication functions tend to transform into tactics. What does this mean? promotion, promotion, promotion; notes of press, advertising campaigns, in terms online marketing strategies generals, a new product or service must communicate its existence to the market and at the same time, begin to meet the needs of users and open doors for new alliances with competition or those companies that we want to take advantage of existing synergies. A limited vision, however has its negative aspects, especially if we take into account that a product is not a press release or an event.

A new product or service seeks to generate emotional impulses and achieve that the introduction in the market translate into sales figures. The process of launching a new product or service has its origins much before to generate all the same inherent communication and continues long after being launched on the market. The main problems faced by brands that need to launch a new product or service, precisely are derivatives of an ill elaborate planning where brands forget important aspects to achieve the planned objectives.


The piano tuner is a specialised technician to maintain this type of instruments in optimal conditions. He is responsible for establishing a temperament (i.e., the distribution of frequencies along each octave of the piano), and refines each string unisons to obtain the best possible sound from each piano. For this you need some special tools, such as the key tune, strips of temperament, rubber dampers, a tuning fork and, in some cases, a program of electronic tuning. Electronic tuners tuners Professional grand pianos, anyway, using were designed specifically for these instruments (known guitar or electric bass tuners are not used). A good piano tuner, however, should know to tune a piano so aural (hearing and without any electronic device). A normal piano tuning job takes between one and two hours. In cases of very out of tune piano, however, this period can be extended a bit more.

It may also be necessary apply an increase of tone. Pianos that are sagging on its original frequency must be brought to the rank of refinement desired through a series of steps. In this way protects the harmonica harp and strings, making them safe from damage by excessive pressure. As the work of the piano tuner requires extreme concentration and tranquility most aconsable is not disrupting the technician or distract him permanently while doing your job. It is very important to create the ideal conditions (silence and light enough, above all) so that technical tuner can finish his work in time and form. To make work a piano tuner carries out lasting results over time, it is important to respect the recommended frequency of tuning. A homely piano of normal use (up to 3 or 4 hours a day) requires a tuning every six months. In case of intensive use (8 hours or more) more common tunings will be needed (every three or four months, depending on the case). If you want to hire a Professional piano tuner in Buenos Aires (Capital Federal and Gran Buenos Aires) can do so on this website. Original author and source of the article.

Chinese Government

Will China grow enough to help the world economy? March 30th, 2009 already has become widely clear that China will not assume the role of buffer economy of the fall in U.S. economic activity in this crisis. Despite this, from the Eastern economy already is being talked about the positive effects that the economic stimulus plan is having this will have any implications for the global economy? The economic stimulus plan released by China in November of last year by an amount estimated at US $586.000 million was in response to the effects of the international financial crisis was having on its economy, which had already left far away those double-digit economic growth rates and began to slow down dangerously. The Chinese Government stimulus plan has been accompanied by the efforts made by the people’s Bank of China which has cut its interest rates on five occasions and lowered reserve requirements four times since last September, improving the conditions of the monetary market to stimulate growth via domestic demand. David Zaslav follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. When figures such as the one mentioned are seen in this economic stimulus plan, it is not so clear to identify if it will have a significant impact or not in the economic activity of the country. According to Zhang Yutai, President of the Government Center of research for development this reactivation plan, would help economic growth between 1.5% and 1.9%. It is true, this contribution to growth is not less, but will it be enough? For now, must say that the effort is not minor, since the stimulus package represents approximately 14.9% of China’s GDP. Fan Gang, Member of the Central Bank’s monetary policy Committee, justifies the expected effectiveness of the stimulus plan on china’s economy in the following manner: the stimulus of 4 billion yuan of China is different to package US $800,000 million from the United States, since China has no financial black holes that cover.

A Good Agent Of Sales

In my career, I have worked with some really great sales people they taught me a lot. And I have worked with some really bad sales persons they taught me even more. The good sales agent never seemed that he was selling, its focus was on the improvement of the lives of persons who they found they never tried to sell something to someone. Its products and services were simply tools to achieve something valuable to your customers. No matter how rich or expensive things that they offered none greatly imported.

They fixed problems, created opportunities, and the part of the organizations that were selling the solution were made. A bad sales agent with which I worked was above all the opposing party. bad sales agent was concerned its product price was always too high and the list of advantages too short. They worried about competition and continuously complained about the support did not support them enough. He liked to talk about their products and services praised their advantages to their prospects after prospectus.

They always closed jumping from account account without ever finding the result they were looking for. You may want to visit Robert A. Iger to increase your knowledge. Pause. The current trend in sales is built on nurture, use social media as a means to build trust and open conversations. The thought behind this is the world that has changed and customers are the old tactic of penetration artos. The customer is responsible for now and they don’t want sales people to extorsionen them more. The truth is, the client was always responsible for the conversation and never liked to pushy sales agent clubbing with your merchandise. The great sales people always knew that this is real this is what makes them great. There really is nothing new in the sale of today compared to yesterday. Blogs, twitter, etc. have not changed the rules of sales, are only new instruments. A bad sales agent will not be more successful with these instruments than they were with other phone, direct mail, etc. a bad sales agent is poor because they do not get it a good sales agent always has it. Customers always responded warmly to a great agent of sales because they offer value. And they always van No matter which is the new instruments of relationship, conversation, and trust arise in the future or disappear tomorrow. You not focus on the instrument only in being larger. I would like to ask you the same question I did a few weeks ago, if you were absolutely convinced, then investigate with due care, that it is possible to win in a legal and ethical manner between u$ d 20,000 and US$ 30,000 d and even u$ d 50,000 per month, and then in about four or five years. Relax and rest the money flow will continue arriving, with a minimum of investment this business interested? You can be a leader millionaire has my full consent to reproduce this article according to the link in the signature, thanks for your time and may God bless you. Original author and source of the article.


It terrifies me the apathy of trade unions and business representatives. The latter seek only seize the moment to reach out to lay off. The first, refusing frontally this possibility (as it could not be otherwise), they neither trust nor promote the comprehensive reforms that we were being previously recommended, and finally imposed from all sorts of international agencies. Some say that measures to cut public spending were not obliged pre-bend to avoid a Greece-style intervention, since in reality we already seized de facto. The undersigned attaches to this perception. It is in this context, when more convinced I am that absence of macroeconomic cures, we must focus our efforts in preserving as much as possible of what it had achieved. Others including Jeffrey L. Bewkes, offer their opinions as well.

It is therefore, for the lawyers of companies, the salvation that still subsist on heroic mode, be the absolute priority, even though the judicial environment is not favourable to the effect. They are part of our national heritage and are our daily sustenance. They hoard intangible values, such as the experience and know-how. They will serve as liaison to new models and economic sectors, such as green energy or new technologies, giving by good intentions of our Government. Although without forgetting that all corporate restructuring takes years, even decades, and should exist during that time enough jobs that ensure the well-being of all of us. You will want to encourage entrepreneurship, traditionally defenestrada in our country. Arouse the concern by self-employment and on the management of our own future. Rafael Linares. Attorney labour law and mercantilist.

The Search

These are the ones that best describe what you want to find. The words have to be specific and descriptive, not be generalized because the search will be infinite. 2. If do put you quotation marks to the searched phrase, this makes it more accurate, and those words must appear together, therefore the search will be much better. 3. If you add the fate + before a word achieve greater precision, for example: curso+goma+eva and see that good results will show. 4.

Change if on the contrary you use sinus in front of a Word, this way you’ll be telling the search engine that you are looking for information but that do not contain those words preceded by the sign less. 5 Very important do not use accents or capital letters in your searches also search discussion forums on the topic that you are passionate about, taking the search criteria listed above, participates and you’ll see that it is good feedback from other people, even from other parts of the world, learning new techniques, tips, etc. And so it is our lives with every day, and is not easy for you neither for me nor for anyone! However every obstacle helps us to look for alternatives and continue creating and caring for what more you can get us to passionate are our lives, and our entire family environment. Tries to reflect on your way of thinking in all aspects of your life, from the time you wake up until you lay, try and check your results. If you want you can leave me a comment about your problems, frustrations, and that things keep you from taking a course on crafts or in this case an opinion about what you believe must contain that course, the idea is to do it to suit your needs based on your need. We will read it! Original author and source of the article.

Correa Administration

Between 2001 and 2008 the inflation rate average of Ecuador was 7.2% while the average inflation in the United States was 2.5%. If well during the period 2004 to 2007 the inflation rate retail in Ecuador is reduced to an average of 2.81%, while in three of those four years below the American retailer, in 2008 inflation rate revived inflationary pressures by registering a variation of 8.8%. The highest rate of differential inflation affects the competitiveness of the Ecuadorian economy with negative consequences on the results of trade balance. At the moment, this negative effect was not reflected at all but it has an explanation. The result of the trade Balance has been able to maintain thanks to the increase observed in the average price of oil in 2008. 63% Of exports of Ecuador responded to the oil sector.

The oil sector has contributed to the growth of the economy and sustaining stability in the fiscal and accounts external to hiding behind the deterioration of the Ecuadorian economy. The so-called Dutch disease, which occurs when the exploitation of a natural resource generates an appreciation Exchange rate-destructive for the rest of the products of an economy sectors, seems to be that step is opening up. Higher expected inflation will exacerbate the issue of appreciation of the kind of real change in the Ecuadorian economy and will be more vulnerable to the external sector of Ecuador. There are already elements to anticipate expansionary monetary policy initiatives, within which a dollarized economy allows. The expected contraction of GDP of Ecuador for the present year (- 0.2% according to LatinFocus) and the low rate of growth that is anticipated for the 201 (from 2.3% in an economy that needs a higher rate of growth), are a temptation for the Correa administration suggest expansionary policies. But the question of monetary policy, added two other problems for the sustainability of the model in Ecuador.

One relates to the projection of taxable income for the current year and for 2010. According to the survey by LatinFocus, for this year is expected to the Ecuadorian economy to observe a fiscal deficit of 3.7% of GDP and 2.5% for 2010. This fiscal deficit will mean partly, current account deficit, the second problem, which according to the survey of LatinFocus projections, will reach 2.7 per cent of GDP this year and 1.6% in 2010. The default in which incurred Ecuador long ago closed you external markets to finance what can put under tension to the economy of Ecuador in case of need to make funds, just when the wallet of Chavez is not available. Under this context, it becomes very difficult to think that the model of dollarization of the Ecuadorian economy can be sustained. Are the Correa Administration will be evaluating seriously what you are doing?

United Nations Framework Convention

When money speaks, truth is silent. The world divided into the different countries that form it are pending from everything that can happen in the Copenhagen Summit where it will negotiate a new protocol that will replace the Kyoto in 2012. It may be the last chance to prevent a climate change that escapes us definitely hands. The Barcelona Conference will host between 2 and November 6, more than 4,000 delegates from several countries and international observers to arrive at a text of possible agreement at the Conference of the parties COP15 that will take place in December in Copenhagen. It will be held in Copenhagen from 7 to 18 December 2009. This Conference is organized by the United Nations Framework Convention on climate change (UNFCCC), which organizes annual conferences since 1995… Governments members of the United Nations climate change framework Convention will need to reach a global agreement to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases in order to stabilize the climate without harmful interference. The Executive Secretary of the framework Convention on climate change, Yvo de Boer, UN has commented, that the Copenhagen Summit in 2009 is very important to approve a replacement for the Kyoto Protocol m this is a unique opportunity to find solutions to the phenomenon.

In a press conference in Geneva, de Boer has insisted, that that meeting will be key for Governments to achieve a consensus on how to deal with a phenomenon that threatens to melt glaciers, leaving millions of people homeless and cause a humanitarian crisis never seen.We have a great challenge ahead just a year and a half. And I think that this is a unique opportunity to reach a global agreement on climate change. If we are not successful, we agotaremos the multilateral tracks for the solution of the problem.He added that industrialized economies are primarily responsible for and have the economic capacity to act, so it must lead the process.

Earn Money

So you want to start receiving money for doing surveys from home? Many people are still attracted to this trap lately but the truth is that almost nobody makes money with this. Many people think that the only thing you have to do is sit in front of your computer and fill out surveys for a couple of hours, and the money will start to rain. Before reaching one of these wells of money there is something you should know: many people have signed up and they remain by the many letters that there are saying you’re going to make a fortune on the internet just by sitting down with your computer and fill out surveys. Many of these sites have testimonies that make them seem real. The truth is that almost nobody makes money with these companies, here is the truth about what you have to do to earn money with paid surveys. Before anything, you should know that not everything is be at your computer and wait for forms come you to email, as they say the survey companies. People must find yourself wanting to send you surveys. Many people is pushed to believe that they will receive a list of names and from there may be as many as they can every day.

They think that the only thing they have to do is sit on the computer and wait as much as possible, and thus earn money for each survey. Clearly, however, there is a limit for money to receive. Companies, however, do not tell you it will be you who has to find surveys, once they send it to the email you can go and fill out the form. To be able to make money from home with surveys it is necessary that you carry out an in-depth investigation of the companies that offer this opportunity, or acquire a list that saves you the work of do it on your own. To begin to fill out paid surveys and earn money in the easiest way possible, please Click here. Original author and source of the article.