Tag: trade

Medicinal Purchases

Buy medicines from mail-order pharmacies: easy and inexpensive at home since January 2004 also medicines by mail may be sent in Germany. The number of pharmacies has grown steadily since. Orders is done via an online store of medicines – also by prescription drugs – mail-order pharmacies. Jeff Bewkes helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. Mail-order pharmacies are popular with many Internet users as convenient and easy at home can be ordered his drugs on the computer screen. In addition, savings are possible up to 30% and more. Robert A. Iger often addresses the matter in his writings. Now the question you should shop at which mail-order pharmacy is. “MedikamentePreisvergleich.de” is a price comparison agency that specializes in the price comparison of pharmacy products such as medicines, cosmetics, ointments, creams, patches, vitamins etc.. The portal lists a variety of German mail-order pharmacies with their current prices, and represents all providers for a product clearly arranged.

You will find targeted cheap pharmacies for the desired product at “MedikamentePreisvergleich.de”. The operation of the Portal is very user friendly and also for first-time buyers no problem. The Portal allows a search of products in categories. In addition, you can compare the total amount of your purchase at all listed pharmacies. The portal lists about 350,000 products, of which 60,000 are about Accutane.

The price comparison is of course free of charge for all customers. “MedikamentePreisvergleich.de” is an Internet portal with the objective to assist customers in purchasing cheap drugs and selecting a mail-order pharmacy.

Federal Government

Intermediary or result provider shall be liable for not yet officially confirmed information from ProConcept, the Federal Government is currently planning a change in dealing with so-called final commissions for life insurance and investment products. Then agents or any subsequent provider should be liable, if the Commission claim is not generated yet. Apparently you wants to thus contrary to cover impact the system in practice at the customer by a product provider to the other are driven, without having the respective contract ever has saved something, “says Jens Heidenreich, Director of the Swiss proConcept AG. In practice, often, it would be that customers for years save without generating any substance at all. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Jeff Bewkes. Customers have encountered every time such as before the head, because the amount of closing costs due to the non-transparent appearance will be unaware”, adds Heidenreich. proConcept welcomes therefore this step, in which either the mediator or the new provider for commissions should come from the preliminary agreement. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Jeff Bewkes.

The Swiss proConcept AG is a recycler of so-called dispersed damages. His best known project is LV doctor. We take care of damage, where the individual feels often faint and where the costs of the individual complaint procedure would be mostly higher than the actual benefit. We bundle them specifically enforce these claims”, Heidenreich said. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Randall Mays by clicking through. ProConcept recently criticized the principle of often High Commission, because that investment decisions would not in favor of the customers and on whose advice profile to hit, but only from its own economic interests of statements brokers and so-called consultants. The resulting economic losses were hardly be measured. The proConcept AG represents the interests of more than 50,000 people as Kounamouta. The company assumes only the funding and enforcement of claims from so-called dispersed damages. It is these in individual or collective process together with specialized on the respective jurisdictions by law firms without any financial risk for individuals. More information under:

Sales Manager

Smart labels improve the food security of Dusseldorf/Balingen consumers are shopping always ask how they can recognize the actual fresh content of packaged goods. Educate yourself with thoughts from Coen brothers. The date of minimum durability forecasting how long the product would be durable without taste quality losing always ideal storage conditions provided. The problem: the cooling fails, for example, in the refrigerated truck of the forwarding company, as producer, retailer nor consumer get something from this improper storage. The consequences for the product are devastating: for fresh foods are biological systems, where it comes with increasing duration of storage to the changes within the packaging. A leading source for info: Jeffrey L. Bewkes. Stored ground beef for a short time at 15 degrees, so the number of germs increases explosively. An improper handling by any intermediary, the food manufacturer is not liable for itself. For future liability is for him only crucial that the product prior to departure no Defects. We have two fundamental weaknesses in the system.

All process steps are involved in getting people, which can make individual mistakes knowingly or unknowingly. Another large error source is the data logger to control of complete batches which are composed of different packs. If, for example, the truck door is opened during transport, higher temperatures are at the front of the loading area and you can get problems with the charge,\”said Marc Badi, Sales Manager, paper and labels of the technology manufacturer Bizerba, for a technical discussion of the Entrepreneur magazine economic picture in Dusseldorf. New labeling procedures should therefore improve cold chain logistics as well as consumer protection. Temperature indicators (TTI) in the game, who can document the precise storage conditions of packaging units here called time. TTI takes the form of a label and the label consists of a colouring matter. This means that the core of the label consists of a pigment that changes colour over time and temperature.

FE.N World Premiere: Franchise Concept With Angeschlosenem Direct Sales

The new depot concept of FE.N ubetrifft all expectations. Better quality, supply and service for partners and customers! The success and the incredible growth of fashion Europe NET (FE.N) confirm that the dream of many people, to build his own business, must remain not only a dream. In the simplicity of the FE.N concept is the clever part: jeans free rent, sell and settle only after! Jeans are impossible to imagine from our wardrobe. Jeans in all variations and models, short, long, tube cut, embroidered, painted, studded with Rhinestones or comes with Lochern…WER in today without it? Jeans have survived all fashion re apparitions and will continue to do it. Jeans have become socially acceptable. Fashion Europe NET has recognized this, and the success proves her right.

Since the founding of the company (founded in the summer of 2006) over 30,000 partners for this concept have can enjoy throughout Europe, over 900 Depot were opened only in Germany. FE.N is currently in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Russia, Poland, Hungary, Denmark and France are represented. FE.N shows the enormous market potential Germany as an example: the product potential of 76 million PCs. jeans/year faces an end customer potential of 66 million customers. In the view of Europe, there are even 500 million customers.

The highly fashionable and constantly updated product range for men, women and children, consists of jeans pants, denim skirts, denim, T-Shirts, sweaters, knitwear, jackets / coats, handbags & accessories in good quality at a fair price. Each FE.N has partner up to 60 jeans free to borrow the opportunity, sell and settle only after. Simply return the unsold jeans. There is no minimum sales requirement, no lender fees, no hidden costs. FE.N shows the easier way with this ingenious concept in the self-employment/business start-up. All FE.Partners a way will be shown, without large investment an immediate income to generate.

Open Space Technology (OST), A Self-organizing System Development

A meeting method that unlocks the full potential and the energies of the participants (5-2000). If we want to develop further socially, we need new and different solutions. Other processes (what?), methods (how?), forms and instruments lead to more qualified content. The exchange of minds brings nothing. The old people of today finally caused our present and future problems.

We need to fill younger heads with natural better solutions: we have to orientate ourselves on the evolution and look down the only natural solution orientation. There are already enough thinkers. The today used skills before yesterday and the management yesterday we can tomorrow not resolve the problems of tomorrow! We must say goodbye by the outdated cybernetico mechanistic cultural steam engines of the problem consideration (disease oriented) and turn to the natural vitalist solutions orientation (health viewing). Management 3rd order (open Active Natur-Systeme) = Cybernetics 3.-1.Ordnung (closed passive systems of cultures). Order and security (from fear) are two essential attitudes of German positively neurotic Manager (or logic). There are the natural uncertainty contrary (and logic). Germany is the country with the world’s highest number of insurance contracts in the statistical per capita average.

The eternally pessimistic Germans assure even your holiday weather. This is sick! Open space technology means a result open event method according to the principle of natural self-organization. “Simple thinkers in management will say: no fixed concept, the chaos will break out!” By the way, nature knows no chaos. The simplicity of the open space technology consists of: sitting in the circle, set up a bulletin board, the ‘Open market’ and to get to work. Leaving familiar paths: If the coffee breaks are the best part of a conference why we develop then not an event format consisting only of coffee breaks? A meeting without an agenda and Meeting Manager? A meeting at which organise the participants themselves and finally speak those things that really matter to them the heart?


Success factor additive manufacturing processes: SLM 280 HL with dual beam technology more efficiently for more than 10 years produces citim GmbH on the location bar life prototypes and small series for the areas automotive, Motorsport, consumer goods and medical technology. The company is party in the field of additive manufacturing technologies. The offer includes the complete range of services from design the tooling, machining parts and subassemblies including surveying and documentation. The area of the laser beam melting has been citim greatly expanded in recent years in the home, to integrate functions into components that are not depicted by conventional processes. Citim builds on the new SLM 280 HL, to accelerate their own production and more efficient. Citim begins HL a system of the type 250. The good experiences generated products of with the reliability of the system and high quality, as well as the advanced features and capabilities of the new SLM 280 attended HL citim decisive factors for a further investment in these System technology. citim 280 expands with the new SLM HL capacities for the direct production of aluminum components with the goal, to be the leading provider in the field of additive manufacturing of metal components.

About SLM Solutions GmbH, the SLM Solutions GmbH, manufacturer of machines for small series and Pro types production in Lubeck, Germany, supports its customers for more than 50 years with solutions in the fields of vacuum casting, metal casting and selective laser melting. Focus industries of the SLM solutions are the automotive industry, educational institutions, consumer electronics, aerospace, and medical technology. Developed as a pioneer and technology leader, designs and builds SLM solutions technical and economic solutions for the benefit of their customers. SLM solutions brings many years of experience in the rapid manufacturing plant construction a, dominated the processes and has cross-industry know-how. SLM solutions has built their reputation and their expert knowledge in the market under the company names HEK GmbH, MCP HEK Tooling GmbH and last MTT technologies GmbH. The separation of the MTT group in 2010 allowed SLM solutions efforts in the development and manufacture of innovative products and solutions for generative (ALM / SLM) to expand System techniques and to serve the global sales and service network more closely.

NeueNachricht Data

This would be no great hurdle for the Facebook generation. Personal data on a voluntary basis be revealed to get better information. The digital natives are open in dealing with customer cards and the data stored: when a customer card for the purchase also includes relevant data, this generation is also ready to take advantage of the added value associated. Why I should hook up every time at the seller, whether a cheese for my allergies for me is suitable for use when I can ensure customer card right, that only the right products are offered to me or the self-service scales tell me which products are suitable for”believes the Bizerba CIO. With the Swiss IBM Research Center in Ruschlikon his company has with other partners of also the question for how the retail sector must prepare for the pyramid.

You must otherwise take on older people than younger on. Everything that comes in the pilot projects with IBM, to be in stores in two to four years. So this is not science fiction, but it’s really about short-term achievable goals”, so the views of Rebetzky. A strong growth Bizerba according to own statements about when the K-class model series open technology systems. Equipped with touch screen and display—, K-class become supported by intelligent software the multi-platform content, sales training and sales planning. In the shop as well as at large chain stores.

The ergonomic and flexible user interface allows override of base price, tare, expiration date using the finger tip and the orientation of the screen design to your corporate design. A message from NeueNachricht.

European Legislation

The countdown for the most important change is the countdown for the most important change since the introduction of the euro in German payments runs, but only a few companies, authorities and associations have taken so far it. Most lag behind significantly scheduled specifications to the single euro payments area (SEPA) in the implementation of the binding and on the 1st February 2014. This shows the current survey SEPA implementation in Germany, conducted by ibi research now for the second time in six months mountain, the Bank-Verlag and InterCard together with van den. The software update received too late, technical problems, disease-related failures by responsible employees, obtained by the daily business or simply underestimated the scope there are many reasons why companies are not yet ready for SEPA a few months before the final conversion. But SEPA stands directly outside the door and the time running out of many companies, organizations and associations, because the European Legislation that already as of February 1, 2014 the existing national transfer and direct debit schemes be abolished. At that time, the SEPA credit transfer and the SEPA direct debit must be binding used. Utilizing extensive organizational and technical adjustments however is required for the part: especially for large enterprises, the successful launch of SEPA represents a high cost.

You expect an effort by average 1,654 person-days in contrast to small companies with an average 84 and medium-sized enterprises with 359 person-days. This adaptation of the internal systems and obtaining written direct debit mandates, according to the study, are among the biggest challenges. Despite the warnings, most of the steps to migration will be only in the fourth quarter. This means that first test transactions, as well as the main switch and the completion of remaining works are therefore often late. Direct debit inputs but fail due to a delayed transition, may 27 Percent of respondents already within five days from the lead to liquidity problems.

That’s why you should use strongly the remaining three months, until February 1, 2014 successfully to cope with the changeover. Top experts at the ibi seminar show how you can do it, on October 22 in Berlin compact and practical shape on the basis of live demonstrations. The joint event by van den Berg, EFiS and ibi research at the University of Regensburg offers sufficient opportunity for questions.

GmbH Fund

With the Project REAL EQUITY funds 8 benefit investors of a particular real estate concept of PROJECT real equity calls their approach to investing in Bamberg-based real estate group PROJECT and providing investors special opportunities. Because the company operates professional real estate development at selected locations with a clear exit strategy and and this is extremely rare under exclusive use of equity at all levels of corporate finance. The risk of carrying a debt in itself, is thus excluded. There is also no dependency to banks, what is very interesting in the current situation. \”PROJECT using all opportunities of real estate value creation, by all areas from a single source\” reliable plan in the company – and can be implemented. Currently offered participation PROJECT REAL EQUITY Fund 8 GmbH & co. KG can engage investors from 10,000 euros a time investment plus 5 percent premium by means of target funds in selected residential and commercial real estate, the following Investment focus on value-added and opportunity to be selected. Below is the repositioning of stock objects with development and value creation potential (value added) or the repositioning of real estate, so the development and the construction of new projects, sometimes the rehabilitation of existing objects.

The investment of the Fund amounts to 50 million euros at a selectable time interval between 10 and 20 years. It is intended to close the Fund at 31 December 2009 with a minimum contribution of EUR 15 million. The income associated with the Fund from business provide profit independent annual withdrawals of eight percent. This calculation is based on a target yield of 12 to 14 percent per year, should be achieved in the target Fund. Already in the past the PROJECT group of companies this could prove, that she was to achieve a such performance on similar projects in the area. A high continuity is also based on the result.

Otto Martin Maschinenbau GmbH

Wood machine specialist Otto Martin solves ‘Software-Zoo’ proALPHA ERP from Kaiserslautern the Otto Martin Maschinenbau GmbH & co. KG, July 28, 2009, is one of the world’s leading manufacturer of woodworking machines. The family-owned company has 135 employees and develops, designs, and manufactures its high-quality milling, sawing and planing machines until today exclusively at the headquarters of Ottobeuren. While Otto Martin achieved more than three quarters of its turnover abroad: are supplied through a global network of dealers Joineries, carpeting, and furniture manufacturer in Europe, but also in North America, Australia and the Middle East. The company was focused in 2007 new strategic and aspires to the comprehensive expansion of quality and technological leadership in the divisions of sawing, planing and milling for the compact and premium. However, the IT landscape developed over the years the company with many connected island solutions hardly capable of, was fast and comprehensive Business processes efficiently to represent and support.

The care of many interfaces was much too elaborate and expensive. Managing Director Rolf Krupezki decided about the purchase of a modern and integrated ERP solution. The selection process was precisely prepared and carried out tight. Initially, eight vendors in early 2008 received the specifications. Four providers were invited then to half-day presentation. In the final selection stage were simulated in a two-day workshop based on real data of corporate core processes related. Just two months after answering the requirements specification the ALPHA business solutions AG was awarded the contract to the introduction of their ERP solution proALPHA engineering finally.

For the first 70 user introduces proALPHA in future in all areas of the company including logistics and financial accounting. The impressive presentation and following the convincing performances in the workshop spoke clearly for the ALPHA business solutions AG and Acclaimed. Together they corresponded to our expectations – just perfectly on one the future software partners, on the other hand on the software itself. Last but not least the great wealth of experience the alpha business solutions have in engineering secured our decision and confirmed”, so Dipl. economic engineer Rolf-G. Krupezki. Now we can our software Zoo at Otto Martin”finally replace.” ALPHA business solutions AG the ALPHA business solutions AG is one of the leading specialists for business process optimization and the introduction of business standard software in Germany. The company was founded in 1994 as the first subsidiary of proALPHA Software AG and released in 2003 from the proALPHA group of companies. ALPHA business solutions manages more than 300 ERP projects in over 1,200 companies. The solution portfolio includes proALPHA also own developed industry solutions on basis of proALPHA besides the complete ERP solution, also, the company is also early partner of SAP for the beginning of 2008 On-demand solution SAP Business ByDesign. Thus, the company offers a wide range of powerful and requirement-oriented ERP solutions for medium-sized industrial, commercial and service companies. With a comprehensive industry expertise, many years of experience in business process optimization and ERP project management, as well as a professional software-based ERP implementation methodology, ERP projects be implemented efficiently, safely and successfully.