Month: December 2014

TopCOM Presents Solutions For The Energy Industry At The E-world 2011:

The process monitor ensures a cross-system and cross-company process monitoring and control of Dusseldorf, January 24, 2011. The change processes in accordance with GPKE, GeLi and GABi Gas are established in the energy sector. The conditions created topCOM solutions with customers in the past few years, which ensure the necessary flow of information to external market partners as well as the various back-end systems. For 2011, the Federal Network Agency has new guidelines for WiM (Exchange processes of measurement) and MBiS (market rules for the implementation of the balance circuit billing power), which will be considered by the topCOM solution accordingly. The business processes, the new message formats and communication lines to all operators are easy to integrate and complement the existing process packages for GeLi gas and message. But alone with these measures, the potential of measures is not long since been exhausted. The internal monitoring is becoming increasingly important in addition to the monitoring of the communication flow Business processes across all systems involved. In the immensely increasing amount of data, incorrect or missing information cause significantly higher personnel expenses for the rectification and regulation.

The topCOM process monitor detects early erroneous information and verified the data rule-based. Not automatically processed displays information portal-based operators or the Department. The data quality for the downstream backend systems is significantly improved. Also the mobile integration in business processes is always taken for granted and is thus an essential part of a modern solution. With the inubit mobile device interface, it is now possible to include employees who are not permanent in a workplace, active processes and tasks. At the same time, running processes using process monitor can be monitored or provided information about business data in mobile dashboards. Visit topCOM at E-world in Essen from the 8th-10th February 2011 in Hall 1 stand 1-134 and Learn about the latest solutions for the energy market. Contact: Birgit Kartscher topCOM kommunikationssysteme GmbH ALT-Pempelfort 15 40211 Dusseldorf Tel.

0211/1746-0 Fax 0211/1746-222 Hall 1 / stand 1-134 topCOM offers tailor-made communications solutions that combine all business-critical processes with all important communication media. To do this we extend existing IT systems using SMTP, voice, SMS, fax, XML and EDI technology and make sure the communication skills of the existing IT infrastructure. We use standardized software as well as industry-focused solutions to help large and medium-sized companies optimize their business processes. We create the conditions for a smooth internal and external exchange of information their business processes, regardless of media formats, applications or the hardware. Our nationwide company headquarters is based in Dusseldorf, we have offices in Hamburg, Berlin and Stuttgart.

Hessian Website Award 2011: Application Period Started

Best Internet performance of small and medium-sized companies wanted. Legally correct Web pages are important criteria for participation. The Hessian website award honours the best websites by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with seat in Hesse, Germany. Basic prerequisite for participation in the competition is a legally impeccable website. As well, the Web pages should be error-free to use. The sites are judged by a panel of experts.

Companies with up to 250 employees and an annual turnover not exceeding EUR 50 million are eligible. The three winners of the Hessian land competition will be recognized in a promotional brochure and via the channels of the involved public excellence. The winner also qualifies for the participation in the nationwide NEG website award. Goal of the NEG website award SMEs know that they need to present themselves on the Internet, but often lack the necessary know-how. The network of e-commerce has decided that the best Websites of companies to reward, so that they can serve for other companies as best practice examples. So, SMEs in all Germany benefit from the experiences and achievements of the winner.

The focus is the question of whether the company, appeal to their respective target group and to present its products and services successfully. Registration and online check runs the application deadline for the Hessian website Award from January 17 to February 28, 2010. Before registering for the competition, businesses with an online check can check whether your website meets the main requirements. You will receive an assessment of their website as well as a detailed and free guide with useful tips for optimizing Web pages. The guide is available. More information, see that network e-commerce is the NEG ( a network of 29 regional centers of excellence for electronic commerce and industry Centre for the trade. These medium-sized businesses and help craft the introduction and use of E-business. The network is sponsored since 1998 by the Federal Ministry of Economics and technology (BMWi). The EC-M works since 1998 successfully because the EC-M Advisory Centre of e-commerce Middle Hesse, to promote the development of e-commerce by businesses in Central Hesse. The EC-M supported targeted small and medium-sized enterprises in the region with the introduction of modern information and communication technologies. The necessary information and knowledge often lack small businesses in trade, crafts and industry to assess the benefits of the new media for themselves. As one of 29 knots in the network of e-commerce is the EC-M direct contact person for interested companies as well as for the technology provider. The competent services of the EC-M consists of many basic services, which is specifically tailored to the needs of entrepreneurs, such as free and neutral first information, an initial consultation about the possibilities and modalities of the use of the Internet and other networks for business purposes, the presentation of basic and advanced examples of new media in e-commerce companies. Free site check free site checks performs the EC-M Advisory Centre of e-commerce for small and medium-sized companies in Hessen. The result is we discuss in detail with the entrepreneurs and passed a comprehend check Protocol. Are you interested? Then simply send an email to or call at 0641 / 309 1347 (Andreas Heine). Free site check – a small step, one giant leap for your business. (Direct link: website-check) Press contact: EC-M Advisory Centre of e-commerce Middle Hesse of Andreas Heine Gutfleisch str. 3 5 35390 Giessen Tel.: 0641 / 3091347 fax: 0641 / 3092959 ecm.websitecheck

New Cheap Sofas Sofa Depot

The range of ‘cheap sofas’ in the sofa Depot is bigger sofa Depot Barsbuttel is specialized in cheap sofas. Priced to the 1000.-euro, it offers a wide range of good quality sofas. Particularly Corner sofas in a range of sizes, references and functions can be found here. The special feature of the sofa Depot is that it is not a typical discount store. It is often difficult to get a sensible advice at the discount stores.

These provide not enough staff to have a time intensive conversation. In a conventional furniture store sales on a Commission basis are adjusted, the interest is so relatively small long a customer to take care of. A family business is different. There is thinking in the long term. The price / service offering is usually better than major competitors, and also the actual price can stand the comparison. This is possible because consistently costs are kept low. Omitted is an expensive downtown location and expensive advertising, it reduces the Selling price is permanent. The prices are very simple in the sofa Depot.

So the price on the sofa is for each color of the same substance, and whether left or right thigh should be also makes no difference. A special highlight is the delivery service. The delivery takes place precisely coordinated. The customer needs to sacrifice no vacation day for delivery. And there are the weekend delivery service for customers who have time only on Saturday or Sunday. The sofa Depot is a good alternative in Hamburg, when it comes to cheap sofas. And today, it is no problem at all finding a good sofa bed for the price of 1000 euro. Sometimes the comparison helps sofa purchase easy. Some basic knowledge to the construction of the sofa only needs to find out whether it is a good price / performance range in the sales pitch. In addition to the cheap sofas there depot in the sofa just even the consultation. So just test sit depot on the low sofas in the sofa. Marcus Hammad

SemYOU Presents First Free Cloud Email APP For The Desktop PC

APP semYOU computing: free application in the Office-style for easy email management and direct access from any PC worldwide. Desktop-feeling guaranteed! Stuttgart, 13th, 2011. With semMAIL, the email management goes mobile: the start-up company semYOU in his APP store offers a free cloud desktop APP to retrieve provider-independent and online manage of the own emails. With semMAIL, another step is managed semYOU fundamentally to change the software and use of the PC of the future. Because what was previously only locally available, semYOU now brings to the Web: at any time and from any PC of the world users with the application can manage semMAIL, emails online, as it was possible only with Microsoft Outlook or Thunderbird. Easy cloud email is managed by the ability to create multiple email accounts parallel.

Thus, emails from different vendors directly through a software can be easily managed and retrieved. With APP semYOU computing, the whole world of communications is now only a click away: the SemMAIL interface was inspired by the well-known Microsoft Office style and allows intuitive operation. Emails and attachments can be found quickly through special filters and groupings and the navigation through your own folders works simply and clearly. SemMAIL users to create more effectively your email management”, explains Volker Jahns, Managing Director of semYOU GmbH. because an email management of the future need only an Internet connection and free APP-computing-system semYOU your emails from different providers to manage centrally in the cloud and to retrieve. Eliminates complicated installation, flexibility and comfort are assured”more info to semYOU under: semYOU 2010 Volker Jahns semYOU about the company founded the start-up companies. A further Office is located in Los Angeles, California. The company has currently five permanent staff. Core business is the development of the first semantic SemYOU online operating system that allows a whole new Web experience for users. Press contact of semYOU GmbH Churerstrasse 135 8808 Pfaffikon

The Ongoing

Claims become void on a work certificate for the Director only if he can influence the development of the company over his shares. This also applies to a member of the Board. Real freelancers or self-employed persons are not entitled to a certificate of work. However, a claim on a so-called reference can result from contract, a standard business practice or a regular handling the contracting authority. 2. the employee requires entitled to a certificate of work during the employment relationship (intermediate) work certificate during the duration of the employment contract, one at his own expense it him to exhibit. Of course, employers require regularly no reimbursement.

3. entitlement to a completion certificate, upon termination of the employment or training relationship principle entitlement to issuance of a final certificate is only at the end of the Employment relationship, i.e. at the latest after the required period of notice. However, the workers can already exist when saying the termination on a so-called “provisional certificate of completion”. If the workers against the dismissal before the Arbeitsgericht complains (dismissal proceedings) and at the end of the period of notice, the dispute is not yet decided, he may require still a preliminary completion certificate (BAG BB 1987, 1816). However, preliminary work certificate replaced not the final work certificate, which is to create after the expiry of the notice period. 4. intermediate already demand during the ongoing employment relationship the employee is not entitled to that the wording from the provisional certificate or a previous intermediate in the final certificate of work shall be adopted.

However, such testimonies give him facilitate proof in an attack on a future worse rating. Therefore, workers should necessarily already While still Trouble-free running employment require an intermediate performance appraisal. When the employer is later angered and arbitrarily gives a worse rating, you have much better prospects in the amending process.