Claims become void on a work certificate for the Director only if he can influence the development of the company over his shares. This also applies to a member of the Board. Real freelancers or self-employed persons are not entitled to a certificate of work. However, a claim on a so-called reference can result from contract, a standard business practice or a regular handling the contracting authority. 2. the employee requires entitled to a certificate of work during the employment relationship (intermediate) work certificate during the duration of the employment contract, one at his own expense it him to exhibit. Of course, employers require regularly no reimbursement.

3. entitlement to a completion certificate, upon termination of the employment or training relationship principle entitlement to issuance of a final certificate is only at the end of the Employment relationship, i.e. at the latest after the required period of notice. However, the workers can already exist when saying the termination on a so-called “provisional certificate of completion”. If the workers against the dismissal before the Arbeitsgericht complains (dismissal proceedings) and at the end of the period of notice, the dispute is not yet decided, he may require still a preliminary completion certificate (BAG BB 1987, 1816). However, preliminary work certificate replaced not the final work certificate, which is to create after the expiry of the notice period. 4. intermediate already demand during the ongoing employment relationship the employee is not entitled to that the wording from the provisional certificate or a previous intermediate in the final certificate of work shall be adopted.

However, such testimonies give him facilitate proof in an attack on a future worse rating. Therefore, workers should necessarily already While still Trouble-free running employment require an intermediate performance appraisal. When the employer is later angered and arbitrarily gives a worse rating, you have much better prospects in the amending process.