Month: July 2019

Concepts Space Place

Space, territory and place are its main subjects of study. We observe that for Traditional Geography (third room of sc. XIX, and decades of 1950 the 1970 of sc. XX) the space boarding is considered of secondary form, because it perceived the space as stowage, only as area. At as a moment from Theoretical-quantitative Geography and Marxist Geography (it enters the decades of 1950 and 1970) new boardings for the space appear.

Thus, Geography while social science search to understand the result of the action human being shaping the surface of the Land, makes and it through five basic concepts: space, region, territory, landscape and place, as point Corra (1995). Other authors of the too much texts correlatos, as it is the case of Robert Lobato Corra (1995), understand that the concepts keys of geography ‘ ‘ (…) to synthecize its objetivao, that is, the specific angle with that the society is analyzed, angle that confers to geography its identity and its relative autonomy in the scope of sciences sociais.’ ‘ (p.16). The author searchs in Lefbvre the marxist boarding of space, for which ‘ ‘ he plays a role or a decisive function in the estruturao of a totality, a logic, one sistema’ ‘ (LEFBVRE, 1976, P. 25). According to Lefbvre, ‘ ‘ the space is locus of the reproduction of the social relations of produo.’ ‘ (LEFBVRE, 1976, P. 25). For Milton Saints (1985) one of the most famous Brazilian gegrafos, a society alone if becomes concrete through its space. The totality is formed by instances or structures (economic, ideological legal-politics and), and the space would be the fourth instance, placing itself as a subordinated and subordinante structure, a social and not only social reflected factor.

Public Responsibility

In this text, we look for to synthecize the ideas of Arroyo (2005) regarding the transformations that the same it judges necessary to become the Young Education of Adult ' ' a field of rights and responsibility pblica' '. For Arroyo (2005, P. 19) the Young Education of Adult ' ' (…) consilidado&#039 is field not yet; ' in what the research says respect, the public politics, the ecudacionais lines of direction, pedagogical formation of professors and proposals, and therefore, has a diversity of attempts of ' ' to configure its especificidade' '. According to author, currently has some pointers of a mobilization around the EJA, that can be perceived in the actions of the State, of the institutions, ONG' s, churches, and of diverse pursuings of the society in general. However, the pertaining to school system continues closed for these pointers, and needs to think and to act with the objective to transform the EJA, in fact, in ' ' a responsibility field pblica' ' (P. 22). For in such a way, if it makes necessary to start for knowing the citizens of the EJA, as well as the historical trajectory of the modality in the parents. When knowing the history of the EJA, will be still necessary to abandon the restricted vision of ' ' lacks and gaps in the passage escolar' ' (P.

23), and to perceive that such lacks are atreladas the social ones. In accordance with Arroyo (2005: p.24-25) if cannot separate the right to the escolarizao, of the human rights. According to it ' ' young-adultos' ' , exactly that they have parked the escolarizao process, not ' ' paralisam' ' ' ' process of its emntal, ethical, identitria, cultural, social formation and poltica' '. In this direction, a more positive look is necessary, recognizing that the citizens of the EJA, ' ' they carry out trajectories of humanizao' ' , participating in social fights for the guarantee of its rights.


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