Tag: hardware & software

Centracon AG

Changing work organization in enterprises requires fundamentally new concepts always mobilerer work processes and at the same time growing claims of the company at a high organizational flexibility the classical forms of work organisation have no future with their rigid desktop architectures. But the change not do justice usually also the changed demands of the companies stationary clients for mobile devices according to the assessments of the consulting company Centracon AG. The use of iPads is still a long way, no new sustainable desktop strategy”, explains CEO Robert of Gallant. Rather, the consultant recommends to devote a continuous redesign of the entire client structures. Especially since she produce a variety of benefit effects helps at different levels, with the sole launch of mobile devices not possible it.” The various benefits are however often not sufficiently known in practice. To broaden your perception, visit Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City. Centracon has therefore the company strategically relevant Analyzes dimensions more flexible and usable mobile IT jobs: 1 corporate culture: as a modern employer position over technically modern and flexible workplaces, especially since individual requests to the devices meet the users and they can communicate according to their private habits through social media platforms.

But also the IT departments benefit, because they are technically adept user and thus an easier exchange of information is possible. 2. Mobility: The business benefit is especially that using a location-independent applications and documents new business models evolve and carry out can be a focussed process design. Also, the collaborative work is supported by virtual teams. From the perspective of the IT operations of the mobility aspect causes also that applications on any devices can be used. 3. Productivity: Employee satisfaction is expressed in their motivation to work and low downtime.

But also positive productivity effects on pages of users create automated and thus faster deployment of applications and other IT services, a range of self-service and reduced waiting times for updates or boot times. 4. Agility: acquisitions can be more easily integrated and new business applications more quickly harnessed for the employees. The necessary IT resources available for flexible, while a dynamic use of hardware potentials in the IT operations. Expression of agility is also the use of additional public cloud resources within a private cloud and the rapid deployment of IT jobs. 5. Innovation: The staff are not only pure consumers of IT, but are their co-creators. New impetus for the business and technical culture arise due to this change of roles. Staff are experiencing a new form of self-employment, the jobs let information technology to customize to a high degree and work processes be flexible. The user can also perform their own service requests select and deploy IT products on their own. 6 Compliance: no data is being transferred more to the site independently usable devices, thus cause no loss of data or can access critical corporate information third parties, if the device fails. Access is via secure public networks, the permissions are managed automatically. The user can access only to such applications, which were released by the company. 7 Cost reduction: positive economic effects are produced solely by self-service and automated deployment of applications. Cost savings arise but also as a result of the central support of devices and because no IT resources are needed at the remote locations. At the same time, cost savings are generated by the application and server virtualization.

SixCMS 8.1: Easier Work And Fewer Barriers

With SixCMS 8.1 the creation of online publications easier, faster and better Stuttgart, 19 December 2011 six open systems GmbH brings a new version of the SixCMS enterprise content management system on the market and offers important improvements for users in the backend. While the themes of managing multilingual content and optimized translation views, simplified administration of user rights, more flexibility in the design of the backend, as well as a low-barrier environment are at the Center. Easy handling of multilingual content with SixCMS 8.1 is the multilingual content management a little easier: A new translation of mask and the arrangement of each an original record and the corresponding translation in parallel columns make it possible translations directly in the backend to make. When several managed languages the translation mask for a better control of texts can always appear in combination with the original version. More improvements for users to the most essential enhancements for User also has a new right function that allows administrators to log temporarily with the privileges of another user.

SixCMS has a very comprehensive and granular rights management. Based on filter-based roles, rights can be adapted individually to the requirements of individual users. With the new as a function of sign-on ‘ administrators can test these settings in the version 8.1 very simply once again from the point of view of the respective user. A new apply button”is used, changes to records or templates easily between store, while the record for further processing will remain open. Furthermore, get users from the version SixCMS 8.1 considerably more flexibility in designing their backends and can extend this to your own functions: by displaying photos in light table view up to the individual representation of complex data structures, appropriate templates can be created with just a few commands.

To the complexity of data storage as low as possible to keep a new field type. Follow others, such as Glenn Dubin, and add to your knowledge base. With him, it can be very easy to individual data structures extended individual data. Fewer barriers despite advanced Web capabilities to can be enriched on the one hand content with modern multimedia possibilities and community functions, on the other hand, the barriers for people with restricted physical or sensory abilities remain as low as possible. Thanks to a complete revision of the technical structure the new SixCMS backend meets both requirements. This especially the keyboard navigation and processing of screen readers have been enhanced in version 8.1. It is also possible to provide a surface with larger fonts or stronger contrasts targeted users. Enhanced database support in addition to MySQL the version SixCMS supports 8.1 now PostgreSQL at the OpenSource databases. In the development of the current version, the user friendliness was for us”explains Sonke Sprink, product manager SixCMS at six Open Systems GmbH. SixCMS is a very powerful and comprehensive system. It is all the more important for us, to create and manage multilingual versions or generally in the use of the backends through individual adjustments and avoiding barriers unless that users still very easy to work. “The topic of usability ‘ will remain therefore safe also for upcoming versions of paramount importance.”


New eLearning module for innovative hearing instrument designed train, 02.06.2008 rich media content ensures a holistic product impression on end and resellers. Phonak AG also uses this positive effect for their innovative hearing systems Exelia. As an expert for eLearning modules, the partekk trade was engaged ag for this task. E-learning modules help, that the consumer products are better understood and recorded. To do this, said audio, PowerPoint and other multimedia files are. t-Commercial-Deliveries.html’>UPS to increase your knowledge.

In the framework of the so-called rapid eLearning these elements are put together and the result is a comprehensive and innovative learning experience. Quick and easy creating educational content for the online sector stands at the rapid eLearning in the foreground. The partekk is a specialist for rapid eLearning software tools and services. The Swiss company was hired by Phonak AG for the online presentation of a new product. Here it comes, the innovative hearing instrument Exelia multimedia and animated sound samples of scene to set, where the content was created by Phonak AG.

Exelia responds actively and intelligently to the situation of the environment and obtaining better quality of life for hard of hearing people. partekk produced by a professional speaker the audio files and all rich media elements into a whole put together. Under the Internet address en/a guided-tour / is the result to see, hear and experience. For Mr. Stoller-Schai, Manager eLearning specialist at Phonak, the collaboration has been highly successful: “partekk service products we wanted to achieve two goals: A boost of productivity and industrialization of the creation process of the learning modules and also an improvement of quality.” We can say now that both goals have been achieved.” The resulting product-related learning modules used by Phonak AG primarily for retailers, which is accessible to the public online presentation for the end user. About Phonak-Phonak headquartered in Stafa, Switzerland, develops, produces and sells for more than 50 years of leading audio and radio systems. Phonak combining profound knowledge in hearing technology and acoustics with an intensive cooperation with hearing care professionals, to improve hearing and understanding of people with hearing loss and thus increasing their quality of life. Phonak offers a complete range of digital hearing and additional radio solutions. With worldwide 2’500 employees driving Phonak innovations ahead and sets new standards in miniaturization and performance. About partekk since early 2002 offers partekk in software tools appropriate terms of rapid e-learning and service products for the targeted, fast transformation of content or information in engaging E-learning modules and rich-media units of information. The press release as PDF, images and other information, see box.asp? pr = wa1txvk008 more information of partekk trading ag Ibelweg 18a 6301 zug Switzerland Tel.: + 41 (0) 848 42 00 00 E-Mail: web: rapid elearning /.

Piazza Management

GFO and Stuttgart intensify trade cooperation / business process management will focus on the DMS EXPO in Stuttgart, 21 January 2014. The gfo Gesellschaft fur organisation e.V. and Messe Stuttgart cooperate more intensively this year. Thus, they want to pay more attention to the topic of business process management (BPM) in the framework of the trade fair trio of IT & business, DMS EXPO and CRM-expo from 8 to 10 October 2014. Business process management is the backbone and at the same time catalyst for a sustainable business development in the IT – and organization-driven BPM concepts must provide a hard and soft facts-balance of task completion by the parties”, explains Prof. Dr.-ing.

Hartmut F. Binner, gfo Board of Directors and Managing Director of Prof. Bala Academy, the importance of BPM. If you are not convinced, visit Jeff Bewkes. Accordingly, BPM becomes a focus of the trade fair for enterprise content management. In a first interview, Prof. Hartmut F. Binner and representatives of Messe Stuttgart have already defined points to the integration of the theme in the event. Therefore envisaged a joint stand of the gfo and a special expert forum.

The booth had a hugely successful premiere at the DMS EXPO last year. The available seats were taken within a very short time. A half-day conference program complemented the information offer of the exhibitors. The gfo and Messe Stuttgart want to expand this. The topic should be an integral part of the program on one of the stages on all three days of the event. For more information, press releases and photos see: dmsexpo net/itandbusiness itandbusiness press contacts: State Fair Stuttgart GmbH Catherine Bittner exhibition Piazza 1 70629 Stuttgart phone: + 49 711 18560-2341 fax: + 49 711 18560-1341 E-Mail: PR agency of good news! Nicole Korber of Koobrzeg str. 36 GmbH 23617 Stockelsdorf phone: + 49 451 88199-12 fax: + 49 451 88199-29 E-Mail:


Processing of customer reactions over the new channels is not technically supported operative structures can become a bottleneck and this Karlsruhe counterproductive, 11.07.2011 – now Facebook is used more intensively than Google and has a greater length of the user as the search engine. So Germany’s visitors on Facebook spent according to the information of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung in May 2011 around 9.6 billion minutes and hence more than on Google. But although is frolicking in the social networks, millions of people companies usually still don’t approach found, how useful can take advantage of these platforms for their customers. Thus passes”a decisive trend at the company, Judge Marc Koch, CEO of legodo AG. You developed solutions for the personal customer communications and has also particularly the social networks as a new phenomenon in the visor.

His criticism is also there but not so much on the type and intensity of activities for Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and co., which are initiated by companies, When Koch sees considerable deficits. This existed but enough discussion posts. But also concern, he finds that think the company only on the level of the measures and the necessary communications infrastructure aside to stay. The legodo Board of Directors problematizes the new channels as hopes are heavily used and produce extensive response, on the part of the company all of a sudden the question arises, as quantity to deal systematically with reactions in this”. This is impossible to achieve, because they don’t get along with the ideas of social networks by the traditional means of automated but impersonal mass communication. Also significantly increasing the resources does not appear as a useful way because more expensive.

When the topic of social media conceptual thinking until the end, necessarily an answer must be found, as I integrate these digital reactions useful in my communication management”, Koch describes the request. He means the use of an appropriate technical Solution. Otherwise a well-intentioned and powerful measure produces the opposite of joy may, because processing of the reactions on this new channel operating completely overwhelmed the communication structures in the company”, he describes the consequences. Social media can thus become the boomerang because instead of the positive effects generated disappointed expectations among customers and load the image.” Therefore, it requires a public discussion that considers not only the potential opportunities of social channels, but also the risks due to lack of technical instruments for effective customer dialogue in the Facebook world changed. About legodo ag legodo developed software for relevant customer communication to the quick and easy production of written correspondence. C4 legodo with their solution, it is now possible in the right context at the right time for relevant customer communication to insert all the processes and data from existing systems.

Certified Translations

In the second training session for the translation management system, two companies gained across certified seal. ‘ Karlovy Vary, 8 October 2013: following on the successful launch of the across certification program in July 2013 could seal across certified two companies also in the second training session for the translation management system ‘ gain. Across systems GmbH provides language service providers with the new certification program, to present their across-skills effectively. The RKT translation and documentation-GmbH and Schmieder translations GmbH have successfully completed recently all five modules on the subject of terminology work, translation, project management and system administration. But not only the evidence of existing knowledge in favour of certification.

The intense training units also offer the opportunity to delve deeper into the system and to discuss certain issues. We see this possibility as a long time user of across the know-how extension with certification as an important measure to help customers efficiently and professionally in the future”, as Roland k. solace Managing Director RKT translation and documentation. All information about the certification program and the other training dates are available at. Reader contact of across: phone: + 49 7248 925-425 of across systems GmbH: across German headquartered in Karlsbad (Karlsruhe), and a U.S. branch in Glendale (in Los Angeles) is a manufacturer of the across language server, a market-leading software platform for all language resources and translation processes within the company.

Through the use of across the and thus the process costs can be reduced with higher translation quality and more transparency within the shortest time. The language server can be used on conforming 15038:2006 for translation services EN with the DIN. Across systems GmbH is a certified partner of Microsoft, which the successful introduction of Microsoft technologies is guaranteed. Integrating across IT environments is possible thanks to a software development kit (SDK). For this purpose, the Department of business services & support across and well-known system integrators and technology partners provide support. In the context of product development, cooperates with international universities and colleges across and is professionally accompanied by an own Scientific Advisory Board. Also with well-known technology companies and language service providers, the software manufacturer opts partnership for years. Customers across are (excerpt): 1 & 1 Internet AG, Allianz Versicherungs AG, HypoVereinsbank, Miele, SMA solar technology AG, ThyssenKrupp and many more. Learn all about across systems GmbH at. Press contacts: Across systems GmbH Anja Bergemann phone: + 49 7248 925-412 fax: + 49 7248 925-444 PR agency of good news! Nicole Korber phone: + 49 451 GmbH 88199-12 fax: + 49 451 88199-29

Bartsch and Partner GmbH Wiesbaden has ten key indicators collected in the form of a checklist, can analyze the credit institutions as warnings. Wiesbaden, April 22, 2009 – Bartsch and Partner GmbH Wiesbaden has ten key indicators collected in the form of a checklist, can analyze the credit institutions as warnings. Mark Berger Villa Healthcare wanted to know more. This checklist is used as a basis for a multimedia snapshot at credit institutions in an initial consultation. Three examples of indicators that should not be overlooked if IT is to remain agile: Indicator 1: mergers of credit institutions are often the products and applications of a credit institution from the application taken and replaced by remaining products / applications of the other credit institution. Switching is inconvenient and expensive. Sometimes so complex that the IT Department has the resources for implementation.

The result is that the credit institution must invest disproportionately. Indicator 2: IT organizations worry too much about tactical aspects and lose While the deteriorating overall picture with regard to a necessary modernization of IT out of sight. Instead of forward to look where want and we have to go? be taken the next steps in the eye. Indicator 3: Data are not available and the data structures are insufficiently available or technologically not up to date. These indicators do not sufficiently respected, quickly lands IT in dead ends or experienced a complete crash landing. The checklist the IT pilot “with interest at Bartsch and partner in are required.” Excerpt from the performance spectrum of Bartsch and partner ERP / CRM software, accounting, asset accounting, asset management, USt.

Client Virtualization Helps IT Consolidation

centracon survey: Companies see the usage especially among mobile hosts Leverkusen, August 20, 2008 for most companies, the client virtualization represents a logical continuation of the strategies for IT consolidation. This result is a survey of the consulting firm centracon. Whenever Jeffrey L. Bewkes listens, a sympathetic response will follow. In contrast to such virtualization projects are derived from overarching technology strategies only by a minority, but pragmatic benefit considerations represent the decisive driver says however. According to the centracon study among more than 300 medium-sized and large enterprises with over 50 million sales will help the client virtualization for 34 percent of the respondents in any case, to make the IT relationships more efficiently and cost-effectively. Another 29 percent are at least a supporting role in the consolidation of intentions to you. The CIO at the mobile computing see the main usage area. 42 percent of companies with projects be on, while 31 percent focus on the stationary Set desktops.

No prioritization make 13 percent. For them, the client virtualization for mobile computers and fixed workstations has an equal importance. In recent months, Mark Berger Villa Healthcare has been very successful. No interest in this technology at the desktop level, every seventh respondent company shows. As the strongest motive for client virtualization, the centracon survey has identified simpler desktop management. Nearly two-thirds of the companies promise a significant simplification of the management of their workstations to it. Almost three out of five companies citing as pluses a greater flexibility and cost savings, who believe to achieve them. Security aspects flow for 46 percent in the benefit assessment with a.

However, apparently mostly lack appropriate technology strategies, from which a commitment in this area can be derived: just 38 percent call the medium-term orientation of the strategy as a motive for the realization of concepts to the client virtualization. Centracon – CEO of Robert Gallant suspects behind a still insufficient anchoring of the Virtualisierungsidee in the strategic self-image of the company. Anyway the crucial approach to virtualization not the technology itself, but the change of the processes is.” She offer the opportunity to develop alternative delivery models, for services what is constituted in more flexible and productive processes. But just the client virtualization is still a relatively young discipline, whose Moglichkeiten ultimately only opened through application virtualization. Thus they are currently only rarely part of fundamental IT strategies, must there but must be taken into account”, says the consultant. “However, gallant sees in practice not only at this point still significant deficits: today only a few companies realise the strategic benefits of virtualization, because the consequent integration into the overall organization is not yet or only partially.” And he calls the reason: Virtualization is today most tactical or even as a pure Problem solvers used, because the required business context will not be created for this technology.” About centracon: Solutions for flexible and cost-efficient deployment and management of IT jobs and applications characterize the core competencies of centracon. Our consulting spectrum extends in addition to the classical optimization and standardization workplace infrastructures by implementing innovative technology solutions such as application virtualization and virtual desktops, to process and infrastructure automation to innovative business solutions such as, for example, user-self-service concepts.

TopCOM Presents Solutions For The Energy Industry At The E-world 2011:

The process monitor ensures a cross-system and cross-company process monitoring and control of Dusseldorf, January 24, 2011. The change processes in accordance with GPKE, GeLi and GABi Gas are established in the energy sector. The conditions created topCOM solutions with customers in the past few years, which ensure the necessary flow of information to external market partners as well as the various back-end systems. For 2011, the Federal Network Agency has new guidelines for WiM (Exchange processes of measurement) and MBiS (market rules for the implementation of the balance circuit billing power), which will be considered by the topCOM solution accordingly. The business processes, the new message formats and communication lines to all operators are easy to integrate and complement the existing process packages for GeLi gas and message. But alone with these measures, the potential of measures is not long since been exhausted. The internal monitoring is becoming increasingly important in addition to the monitoring of the communication flow Business processes across all systems involved. In the immensely increasing amount of data, incorrect or missing information cause significantly higher personnel expenses for the rectification and regulation.

The topCOM process monitor detects early erroneous information and verified the data rule-based. Not automatically processed displays information portal-based operators or the Department. The data quality for the downstream backend systems is significantly improved. Also the mobile integration in business processes is always taken for granted and is thus an essential part of a modern solution. With the inubit mobile device interface, it is now possible to include employees who are not permanent in a workplace, active processes and tasks. At the same time, running processes using process monitor can be monitored or provided information about business data in mobile dashboards. Visit topCOM at E-world in Essen from the 8th-10th February 2011 in Hall 1 stand 1-134 and Learn about the latest solutions for the energy market. Contact: Birgit Kartscher topCOM kommunikationssysteme GmbH ALT-Pempelfort 15 40211 Dusseldorf Tel.

0211/1746-0 Fax 0211/1746-222 Hall 1 / stand 1-134 topCOM offers tailor-made communications solutions that combine all business-critical processes with all important communication media. To do this we extend existing IT systems using SMTP, voice, SMS, fax, XML and EDI technology and make sure the communication skills of the existing IT infrastructure. We use standardized software as well as industry-focused solutions to help large and medium-sized companies optimize their business processes. We create the conditions for a smooth internal and external exchange of information their business processes, regardless of media formats, applications or the hardware. Our nationwide company headquarters is based in Dusseldorf, we have offices in Hamburg, Berlin and Stuttgart.

SemYOU Presents First Free Cloud Email APP For The Desktop PC

APP semYOU computing: free application in the Office-style for easy email management and direct access from any PC worldwide. Desktop-feeling guaranteed! Stuttgart, 13th, 2011. With semMAIL, the email management goes mobile: the start-up company semYOU in his APP store offers a free cloud desktop APP to retrieve provider-independent and online manage of the own emails. With semMAIL, another step is managed semYOU fundamentally to change the software and use of the PC of the future. Because what was previously only locally available, semYOU now brings to the Web: at any time and from any PC of the world users with the application can manage semMAIL, emails online, as it was possible only with Microsoft Outlook or Thunderbird. Easy cloud email is managed by the ability to create multiple email accounts parallel.

Thus, emails from different vendors directly through a software can be easily managed and retrieved. With APP semYOU computing, the whole world of communications is now only a click away: the SemMAIL interface was inspired by the well-known Microsoft Office style and allows intuitive operation. Emails and attachments can be found quickly through special filters and groupings and the navigation through your own folders works simply and clearly. SemMAIL users to create more effectively your email management”, explains Volker Jahns, Managing Director of semYOU GmbH. because an email management of the future need only an Internet connection and free APP-computing-system semYOU your emails from different providers to manage centrally in the cloud and to retrieve. Eliminates complicated installation, flexibility and comfort are assured”more info to semYOU under: semYOU 2010 Volker Jahns semYOU about the company founded the start-up companies. A further Office is located in Los Angeles, California. The company has currently five permanent staff. Core business is the development of the first semantic SemYOU online operating system that allows a whole new Web experience for users. Press contact of semYOU GmbH Churerstrasse 135 8808 Pfaffikon blog-de.semyou.com