Intermediary or result provider shall be liable for not yet officially confirmed information from ProConcept, the Federal Government is currently planning a change in dealing with so-called final commissions for life insurance and investment products. Then agents or any subsequent provider should be liable, if the Commission claim is not generated yet. Apparently you wants to thus contrary to cover impact the system in practice at the customer by a product provider to the other are driven, without having the respective contract ever has saved something, “says Jens Heidenreich, Director of the Swiss proConcept AG. In practice, often, it would be that customers for years save without generating any substance at all. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Jeff Bewkes. Customers have encountered every time such as before the head, because the amount of closing costs due to the non-transparent appearance will be unaware”, adds Heidenreich. proConcept welcomes therefore this step, in which either the mediator or the new provider for commissions should come from the preliminary agreement. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Jeff Bewkes.

The Swiss proConcept AG is a recycler of so-called dispersed damages. His best known project is LV doctor. We take care of damage, where the individual feels often faint and where the costs of the individual complaint procedure would be mostly higher than the actual benefit. We bundle them specifically enforce these claims”, Heidenreich said. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Randall Mays by clicking through. ProConcept recently criticized the principle of often High Commission, because that investment decisions would not in favor of the customers and on whose advice profile to hit, but only from its own economic interests of statements brokers and so-called consultants. The resulting economic losses were hardly be measured. The proConcept AG represents the interests of more than 50,000 people as Kounamouta. The company assumes only the funding and enforcement of claims from so-called dispersed damages. It is these in individual or collective process together with specialized on the respective jurisdictions by law firms without any financial risk for individuals. More information under: