A number of free calls for all companies? It 900YA (the number 900 pre-pa go and rechargeable, with free activation, no monthly fees or additional lines. Innovative, convenient and is aimed at resolving A utonomos, SMEs and associations. The idea of a consolidated company is revolutionizing the business individuals and smaller businesses, transforming into a real product that until recently was a single service: September 1900 is NOW () the first toll-free 900 number pre-rechargeable oy pag consumed only in terms of calls received. This service is already operating for two decades in industrialized countries (USA, UK and EU) revealed as an effective tool to increase contact with new customers, loyal patrons and have a special relationship with the suppliers. It is also the only number that can be managed easily through the panel Site management based on schedules and requirements. Activation of toll-free number is 900YA simple and immediate: just buy a minimum recharge of 150 euros on the page, which represents the initial credit to receive calls at number 900, with no further obligation to recharge. The management panel includes the ability to control the balance and number of calls received to 900, promoting greater transparency of service.

The toll free number NOW September 1900 is the ideal solution for individuals and smaller businesses who want to increase business opportunities and create a direct contact between the end user and ompany. The absence of fixed costs and low initial recharge can activate at any company, even in certain periods of time or for a specific project, so that until yesterday was a prerogative of large ompany is now accessible to all enterprises and organizations irrespective of its volume. September 2000 YA is a brand created and registered in B2YOU, dynamic and successful company founded in 2001 by merging the various powers from the world of telecommunications with the aim of offering products and services quality that represent innovative and effective solutions.