What it will in such a way bring benefits to the policeman how much to the State that will less count on policemen fadigados estresse by it of the daily one, beyond improving in the attendance the citizen. … And is not difficult to understand ‘ ‘ the interest that the proper State has in the rest of its servers, since, restored the energies lost, they will be able to be dedicated again, with bigger income, to the functions that them are peculiares.’ ‘ … One sees, then, that the Administration, in intention to protect the health of the servers accumulated of stocks for the cited norm, so that they gave the service with quality, established a limit of overtime to be fulfilled by them (Roesler, 2009). (Keys, 1995) ‘ ‘ the nocturnal worker does not have, in absolute, its inverted or extended circadian rhythm, but yes, desestruturado, a time that, given the characteristics of the schedule of the turn, is not all the nights that the worker remains waked up, as well as is not every day that it sleeps: … ‘ ‘.

In the systems of nocturnal fixed turns he has a trend of the worker, in its days of recess, to try to follow the society, what he would constantly compel to modify its schedule to sleep, of if feeding, of leisure in function of its working hours (Brown, 1993). The amount of sleep of the nocturnal worker can be reduced in up to two hours per day, accumulating itself a sleep debit. The quality of sleep is, also, diminished mainly in period of training two and in sleep paradoxical, without the fatigue is particularly observvel complaint in that they work in the nocturnal turn, (Meijman, 1981). For attainment of a favorable organizacional climate in the OPM, the inherent factors to the stimulatons for reward and the correction of behaviors must be observed. Moreover, she is necessary to provide medical, odontolgico, psychological, religious and social accompaniment, as well as in relation to its physical conditioning and technician, complemented for periodic evaluation of performance, objectifying the personal and professional growth of the military policeman.