In this article we would like to help you explore the challenges and opportunities that arise in middle age. You will have the opportunity to take a look at the issues that are specific to the generation of baby boomers. You also have the opportunity to begin the process of evaluating half of one’s life with a list of questions submitted at the end of the newsletter. We call this evaluation of the middle-aged checkup. Valuing benefits of midlife Taking time to assess how your life is going at this point can result in benefits such as:? Can help you identify and strengthen inner strengths. You can find their own voice and express it your way. You can accept your changing physical self.

It is an opportunity to forgive those with whom I have been angry. It can help you find ways to reduce stress. You can learn to simplify your life. You can drive itself to the preparation of the second half of his life. The Baby Boomers generation of Baby Boomer is right and middle age. This generation includes almost 78 million Americans born between 1946 and 1964. The Boomers are the largest generation in U.S. history.

They have had a major impact on American society, as they have gone through all the stages of life. They are going through the maturity in their own unique way, unlike their parents and differently from Generation X, the group born in the years after 1964. The first Boomer turned 50 in early 1996, and the remaining 78 million to observe this anniversary sometime between now and 2017.