FRoBEL Group invites to the nationwide week of information for educators and education kindergartens, creches and hoard the FRoBEL group invite educators nationwide interested in the week from April 16 to 21, and educators to learn about educational and career opportunities in the nonprofit institution. The FRoBEL Group operates 125 facilities of child day-care and family counseling in six provinces. Employees of FRoBEL facilities provide insight into their educational work during the week of information and answer questions about professional and career opportunities with FRoBEL. Interested teachers and educators, trainees or young people with an interest in an activity in the field of early education have the opportunity to get acquainted with different educational concepts FRoBEL houses. Orientation, health, or science focus includes example kindergartens with bilingual concept, music-pedagogical. A previous registration It is not required. With the nation-wide week of action turns the FRoBEL Group on educational staff for kindergartens and creches, which are on the lookout for an innovative employer. FRoBEL intensified its activities in the area of recruitment so that at the same time.

The demand for skilled workers in the child day care will increase by leaps and bounds in the coming years. Reason for this is among others the increase of children’s day care for under three. There is an overview of the dates in the regions under information week the FRoBEL Group operates kindergartens in various charitable societies in the Federal States of Berlin, Brandenburg, Hamburg, North Rhine-Westphalia and Saxony. Currently, 11,000 children in 126 facilities of over 2000 FRoBEL employees are welcome. Owner of all companies in the FRoBEL group is the non-profit FRoBEL e.V., an Association of ambitious teachers and educators, and socio-politically committed Personalities. Regional standards and family counseling, the FRoBEL group is composed especially for the reconciliation of family and career and designed tailor-made service concepts for businesses and their employees in close cooperation with the business community. The renowned partner companies that build on FRoBEL expertise in the field of holistic care of children, the Gothaer among insurance companies, Daimler financial services AG, sanofi-aventis Germany GmbH, N24, BASF of Germany, Deutsche Bank and Vattenfall Europe among others. More information: Frank Zopp spokesman Tel.: 030-21235 331 E-Mail: