With the objective to make possible the discovery of the existing possibilities in each adolescent in way that were elaborated the abilities, enabling them it the new comprehensive ways to think the future, supplying subsidies the confrontation of the new situations and the responsibilities that are for coming, as well as, to elaborate awareness processes on the use and the consequences of the drugs so that they were capable to prevent themselves, the project dedicated carefully optimum planning of the dynamic and the quarrels, mediating the thematic indications offered by the young as well as dinamizando the personal meeting and atendimentos so that they could feel courage to take the attitudes necessary to accept the necessity to grow as people. In Brazil the trajectory of know-making of psychology in relation to the community was initiated in middle of years 60 and suffered theoretical, epistemolgicas and metodolgicas transformations important in this space of relatively short time, what it resulted in the diversity that today can be found with respect to the development of the works of /as psiclogos/as in the communities (SNOWS; BERNARDES.1998, p.241). This new branch of psychology, whose professional acts in the community is characterized by developing projects that if direct the social citizens in specific ambient conditions, intent to its respective psychic constitutions. Its looks are opened for the improvement of the relations between the citizens and the nature. It is in this configuration that is all the effort for the mobilization of the communities in one continues search of better forms of if living, and same that Communitarian Psychology has different psychological chains, it has this objective in common. (FRANK, 1988). On this Guirado subject (2004, p.25) it argues some ideas of Bleger: Its proposal is to make Psychology to leave the doctor’s offices and the therapeutical limits to accumulate of stocks the daily reality; if this passage must be scientific, the social function of the psychologist always will be traced as one investigating intervention. .