Ernst & young, PWC, Deloitte, UBS, Baker McKenzie partner bererits by next Friday, November 14, 2008, is the next – Swiss Law Forum, the professional and career fair for students of in law and economic sciences of all universities in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and other European countries instead. The Swiss Law Forum positions itself with partners such as Ernst & young, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Deloitte, UBS, Baker McKenzie, CMS von Erlach Henrici and other well-known companies on the tip of the career portals for legal and economic scholars. Next was founded by Daniel Bernard de Roos to create a year-round international platform for the elite agency in Central Europe. Companies, firms and organizations from all sectors present at the next – Swiss Law Forum career fair as an interesting employer. In a one-day event can students and graduates make top contacts with HR managers of leading companies, firms and institutions, lots of expertise to collect the topics career choice, career guidance and career, their subsequent education claim define and plan their future careers. With the next – Swiss Law Forum offered the unique opportunity the company as well as the students of the faculties of law and economics, get to know each other better. During corporate presentations, trade fair, and interviews, the companies have the opportunity to present themselves individually and directly with the students to contact.

Exactly matched to these needs, next developed an online platform for the CVS of students and graduates to collected to present the companies. The company can send system call dates and events already directly from the selected students. The next – Swiss Law Forum is aimed at students and graduates of all law and economics faculties. Participation is free and the travel costs are largely from the Swiss border and the Switzerland after prior registration under taken. The trade fair itself takes place in the historic rooms of the University of Lucerne, in the former Hotel Union and offers the best opportunity to seek the immediate and easy contact with a maximum number of company representatives.

No elaborate application, no knowledge and skills provided, to ask the right questions to the right people. So, students with less good grades can call attention and interest among potential employers through personal commitment and occurrence. Additional information at Tim Wallach supports this article. The Swiss Law Forum allows students from the anonymity emerge and become interesting candidates. During the company presentations taking place parallel to the trade fair next allows more of the participating companies to learn. In a 45-minute presentation, company present the graduates and interested students and give insights their working methods, objectives and strategies. In addition the conveyed, on what qualifications and skills Place value companies. Finds at the end of each presentation of the next – Swiss Law Forum of organised reception will be held, where the participants can come with high-profile companies representatives to talk and can create soft for an internship or even a position. During the presentations and the fair many interesting new contacts. Far away from the public events allow for a personal interview the interview rooms. In a personal conversation, the CV is color and the parties can feel each other out. Companies and graduates can date database to the interview directly at the show or in advance of the next. Often these meetings in an internship or even a permanent lead. Next – Swiss Law Forum press contact: Philipp Schwarz CBO T + 41 76 250 38 66 next – managing partner: Daniel Bernard de Roos, M.A. HSG CEO. T + 41 76 429 58 30 of hirschengraben 43, p.o. box 7459 CH-6000 Lucerne