To establish communication we must work itself, and dialogue means creating something new where everyone wins, you see all of the meaning without making any decision. For more information see this site: Coen brothers. It also tells us that in the dialogue groups do not exist some leader or have prior, perhaps to the principle agenda a moderator. Its aim is that all learn to listen and hear the opinion of others. On this topic adds that the integral theory with the comprehensive practice makes a practice holistic, spiritual and transformative, that includes the educator, student, and all the members of the learning community of holistic education. To lead us to peace, certainty and the universal love that holistic education goes from basics to best, at the top, is a holarquica vision, is a hierarchy of development you are looking for the evolution of consciousness. This model is comprehensive, inclusive, explanatory, human, spiritual.

He continued stating that currently requires a learning that will lead to the evolution of consciousness and a true spiritual nature as the basis of a comprehensive education. Then the holistic education is education that humanity needs to overcome its social, economic, technological, political problems, moral and spiritual of the 21st century. It is based on the recognition of universal love and has three large stages of consciousness: the prepersonal level, staff and the transpersonal. Humanity is the conscience universal through which the kosmos perceives himself. In regards to the quality of education, says that this has led to stagnation and crisis in education, has produced human beings with great knowledge, but with a great jobs for life that little pay for the development of the intelligence also tells us that holistic education is why must work towards an educational change of Fund towards a comprehensive learning that override scientific and religious dogmatism and bring us to an evolution of the comprehensive and compassionate awareness.