CULTURE: FUNCTIONING AND CHANGE very to be argued on the cultural process for the which innumerable society pass and come passing throughout the years of existence, this of uninterrupted form, therefore all the cultures are always in movement, even so in some this process if it presents of sufficiently slow form. In others this process if presents of marcante where if it can find in each member and in all the members are gifts the cultural values. Some a crystallized feeling of allegiance is remained and as if they were perpetual values and invariant, in others they produce parts, foods artisan, even though the language passes for modifications. He is in fact difficult and even though risky, to establish the borders enters steady cultures and cultures in changes, considering that all the cultures are in movement, it is determined then, that culture in change will be those in which the cultural changes occur of form aceleramento of the rhythm. For those in which the slower process and, considers culture in functioning. Herskovits it considers as influential part extremely of installing itself of one of these two moments of the culture? functioning and change in society, the enduculturao process, being also the first one to use the term to assign the individual behaviors to the standards of the culture of a society, still in speaks of it; ' ' The aspects of the learning experience that distinguish the man from the other creatures, and by means of which, initially, and later, in the life it obtains to be competent in its culture, can call endoculturao. It constitutes essentially a conscientious process of and unconscious conditioning that if effects inside of the limits sancionados for determined custom aspect. For this process all adaptation to the social life is not only obtained, as well as all those satisfactions, that, even so making of course part of the social experience, more than derive the individual expression that of the association with others in grupo' '.