Then, the work is configured as representative of the force of the impulses that the man uses to execute it, to be able or not to consume what they had been for it produced, opening possibilities of constitution of subjetividades, correspondents to each historical time, who has, for domain, a production form. Citizen, work, product, consumption, profit. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Coen brothers. Constituent elements of an intriguing gravitational axle, where consuming and product keeps an equidistant relation. For Adorno and Horkheimer (apud Rouanet, 1983:147): ' ' The atrophy of the imagination and the espontaneidade of the modern cultural consumer does not need to be led back the psychological mechanisms. The same products, from most typical, the said film, paralyze those facultieses for its proper objective constitution. They are made in such a way that its adequate understanding demands rapidity of mundo' '. A threat, with certeiro objective makes with that thousands of people are felt sobressaltados, therefore the niimplementao of resources who have as resulted, better conditions of health for the population.

In the vision of Bleger (1984), it does not interest only the absence of illnesses, but the integral development of the people and the community. The emphasis, then, in the mental health, is dislocated from the illness to the health and the comment of as the human beings live in its daily one. For Dejours (1994: 47), the traditional psicopatologia is alicerada in the classic model of the fisiopatologia of the illnesses that affect the body. It is dedicated, exclusively, to the diagnosis of the insanities, the organic mental upheavals, the schizophrenia, the upheavals of the mood and the innumerable upheavals of personality. The debate, however, that this article intends to explore encloses the conditions of thousand of people without immunity who, even so support the pressures, obtain, of some form, to escape of a severe psychotic upheaval, but that they are remained, so to speak, in the field of normality.