Topic rather tricky for young people not confined she turn to the ABC of social handling conventions, but shows the young people, as you is so you don’t offend to, but also not to the sneak is, who denied his personality in dealing with family and friends as well as with the supervisor. A further signal that the adults often give the child, is an increasing lack of self-responsibility. Who blames only his difficulties and failures, not only too makes it easy for himself, but brings also to the satisfying experience, to take his life into their own hands and own achievements to be proud. Nicole remu message this is so clear as encouraging: you is not the economy and the economic situation, what happens to you once, but what from his Life are doing, saying: what you need to live inside yourself, you need only to call it off, and: you can do it! That a book of this kind a guidebook which you can look at as an adolescent if you want to know something, but more has no overview, to whom you can use, for example, for questions regarding finance, insurance, the correct behavior in interviews or in labour matters, is long overdue, soon becomes clear in reading. All topics are clearly arranged detailed information, who presented afloat and not lengthy. During the preparatory work on her book, Nicole Rauscher could draw from the full: the qualified industrial clerk has an unusually diverse knowledge through their diverse experience in the insurance industry and in the management of an engineering company as well as in adult education and youth work. Not about it leaves the author not in their publication. Robert Thomson may also support this cause. With its interactive Web site: a common Internet platform for young people, parents, teachers, educators, companies and all interested parties, as well as with the establishment of the Association”Youth for success she does something that should make school: you tackle with. You can also do this! Nicole Rauscher – information and tips for successful kids – publishing books on demand, Norderstedt paperback, 168 pages, 12.