In this situation, we are dealing with intersecting transaction that, in effect, sets the stage for an escalation of the conflict. Example Transaction the second kind: (Stimulus) Lender: smooth, businesslike voice of the ego-state "adult" asks: "Do you delay the next payment on the loan …. Tell me, IE when you make your redemption of the outstanding debt? "(Reaction) Debtor: smooth, businesslike voice of the ego-states "adults", says: "I know about the debt and be able to extinguish it (date) in full" This type of transaction is called a parallel. In a parallel transaction reaction naturally complements the stimulus and does not lead to a conflict situation. This is a constructive dialogue. The third type is called the hidden transactions. This type of interaction is characterized by chtochelovek says one, but has in mind something quite different. In this case, spoken words, tone of voice, facial expressions, gestures and attitudes are often incompatible with each other.

Hidden transactions are fertile ground for the development of psychological games. Game is a series of consecutive complementary hidden transactions, leading to a well-defined predictable outcome. In other words, a set of recurring transactions, seemingly plausible, with a disguised motivation. The game is characterized by two important features: 1) ulterior motives and 2) the presence of 'win', for which the game is. In other words, the debtor is always a positive goal, which he achieves, even hanging over the unsustainable debt burden, which by the looks not quite rational. Interestingly, these ulterior motives and often hidden from the debtor.