A new entrant in the field of funeral interest which Monuta is a funeral with many possibilities in Germany the Monuta insurance still not so well known in the Netherlands but the Monauta is one of the leading insurance companies in the field of bereavement care. Since its founding in 1923, the company solely on the development and offering of services has become available in the specialized burial. In the Netherlands, more than 130 funeral centers and seven crematoriums and burial sites belong to the Monuta. About a new branch office in Dusseldorf, the funeral provision for customers in Germany is now offered by the Monuta and organized. The Monuta is flexible to the funeral. So can choose between four insurance sum insured: 3,000 euros, 5,000 euro, 7,500 or 10,000 euro the insured can application with the funeral decide whether he wants the insurance with or without having to wait. The Monuta waives that during a health check Latency.

If the customer wants to make no declaration on the State of health, a waiting period is agreed in accordance with condition 24 months. As peculiarity can be noted in the insurance cover also the repatriation from abroad is to ensure at the Monuta. The Monuta has developed a so-called SCENARIUM. In the application, the customer has the opportunity to perform all his wishes for an individual burial. These include inter alia the type of burial, funeral cards shipping and the design of obituaries, place the laying out, transport to the cemetery or crematorium and many other things. This SCENARIUM can be deposited directly with the members or both Monuta. It offers extensive assistance in the implementation of the last wishes of the deceased to the members. The Monuta collaborates with the Federal Association of the German funeral home and can provide a certified funeral services for members on request.