Protection and shielding from the health risk of electro-smog. Neutralize, transform, and shielding radiation from electromagnetic fields. The smog is one of the most obscure fields of today’s adverse effects on health. The various measuring methods and partly contradictory results or limits held for the safe, raise more questions for insecure people, as they offer answers. It is now undisputed that the smog might trigger health burden caused. The ultimate impact on the health and the limit values of electromagnetic fields are controversial.

Modern technology makes much easier. The global communications through the Internet, finding certain locations by navigation systems, working with computer support, TV or game console for the entertainment, electric underfloor heating for the alleged well-being and many other things. Since everything in life but has two sides, stressors for this technique find unfortunately also increasing precipitation in the General condition of society. In addition to all other impacts the technology today is also the topic of electro-smog”always more and more frequent as the cause for from unexplained phenomena into account. Because health should have but always the highest priority, you can tackle this problem from a completely different page, namely the subtle energetic base. This, in particular the causal influences on our bio-photon-dependent immune system into consideration can be drawn.

Radiation or here, here it is, to determine whether this radiation will benefit the biological system or harm. Logically, the adoption must be wrong that the current very easily without a trace passes through the people. The human body can react to electromagnetic pollution with a variation of the biological rhythm, the immune system and the psyche. Human cells are true marvels of nature and determine the life with the metabolism. The diversity and the number of cells are impressive in size: so is the human body an estimated of up to 100 trillion cells. The smog can interfere with cell communication in the human body, trigger a chain reaction and negatively affect the biological classification system.