If you decide to organize a celebration on its own, it should be remembered that the case be not the easiest thing. For its implementation will need a team of altruists who can help create a scenario find suitable competitions, to prepare a lot of 'little things'. Of course, self study provided that the organizer of creative abilities can provide a warm 'family' atmosphere and a holiday remember. However, among the main disadvantages of 'amateur' is very often see the monotony of events leading nekvalifitsirovannost, as well as difficulties in finding places for unusual festivities. In this case, the question arises – and how happy and carefree holiday evening to be held responsible for it? Do not become the next training celebrations in duty, which either will be assigned to one and the same, creative and provocative, thereby denying them regularly to relax and have fun themselves, or outsourced to 'in line', which might lead to poor quality of activities, since not everyone has the ability to organize and conduct events.

What do you do when preparing for an independent and enthusiastic rush of creative inspiration? Professionals in this difficult task in Russia were always, clowns, clowns – their main task was to give anyone not to get bored at the feast. The concept of 'toaster' comes to us from the Caucasus, and we have a word a broader meaning in the toastmaster duties included not only the utterance of toasting, but Guest entertainment funny jokes, reprises, etc. Traditionally, the master of ceremonies 'assigned' very witty and sociable acquaintance or friend. Over time it became clear that a sense of humor and extensive knowledge in the field often toast enough for special occasions. Here there is a new concept of 'leading holiday'. This is an artist with a creative charisma, impeccable diction, a sense of tact and measures, a serious approach to business. Such people are few, now almost all of them work with their professional team that is ready to take care of all of the holiday: script writing, directing and staging, selection of artists, providing sound and light, inviting and welcoming guests, handing out gifts and much, much more, of any event will make a real celebration.

After agreeing on the program, customers will not have much of – most of the take over the agency. And as the invited agencies already have experience in organizing such events, then the various "overlays" are likely to be much smaller. Often the holiday is not only competition, and toast jokes, which are also carefully chosen. Before the guests the whole unfolding drama of the action, which could then take part themselves present at the ceremony.