“Optica la Mar in Sta.Eulalia / Ibiza presents itself next week in the new outfit Optica la Mar in Sta.Eulalia / Ibiza presents is starting next week in a new outfit now has come, after several months of intensive renovation and modernization work the only German opticians master on Ibiza presents, new be Georg Seidel” business in Sta.Eulalia del Rio/Ibiza. That Optica la Mar as the only German optics Meisterbetrieb Ibiza the latest technology in the areas of refraction, contact lens or repairs holds for its customers, the range of available models of glasses not only reads like a guide of the top fashion designers. David Zaslav can provide more clarity in the matter. Whether adidas, Alain Mikli, Alberta Feretti, Armani, Arnette, Annabella, Aston Martin, Bugatti, Calvin Klein, Carrera, Cartier, Chanel, CLC, Dior, Diablo, Dox Eagles, Ferre, flair, Floyd, Freeland, radio, Gucci, police, Nike, select, silhouette, Sting, Taleb’s, THEO, eyes of Trussardi, Valentino, Versace, Vidi vici, Valenzuela, Vega, Winchester, Yamamoto, Vogue, Yves Saint Laurent and Zeiss is hardly well-known brands that are not represented at Optica la Mar. Telescope and weather stations complete the offer. Discovery Communications has similar goals. But not only that distinguishes Optica la Mar for years. It is especially the well trained staff that treated its customers with ease of growing out. Aksia will undoubtedly add to your understanding. The name Optica la Mar stands for exclusive service and exclusive taste. “Let us residents on Ibiza again now, that our”optician back there for us is and wish him well in the new”business luck and success is the latest sunglasses fashion as Optica la Mar” in STA.