Now the owners of farms involved in breeding of quails, pheasants, ornamental ducks and peacocks. However, this class includes many features and a set of specialized knowledge. Such enthusiasm as breeding quail today was quite popular. For more specific information, check out Robert Thomson. To begin breeding birds such as quail in particular circumstances will need to purchase a special breed "Pharaoh" or the so-called Japanese (Silent) quail. These types are well tolerated in a closed environment, tolerant of feed, in addition, are resistant to inbreeding, that is, by crossing closely related individuals of the offspring will be strong and healthy. Quail of the breed famous for the fact that They rarely suffer from various infectious diseases because the body temperature of birds of these species is high. The meat of such birds are prized as a refined product. Even more popular are different eggs quail have many useful properties.

They will help to heal many different ailments. The main condition for breeding quail – the correct temperature in the room where they are located – it should be no lower than 18-20 C. And quail needed fresh air without drafts and poor lighting 16-17 hours a day. Quail cells must meet certain size: if the content of Japanese quail size should be approximately 10×10 cm, with the content of rock "Pharaoh" – 10×15 cm and height of these cells should be about 25 cm quails are fed twice a day melkodroblenoy grain mixtures with vitamin supplements or animal feed, in the summer their diet is administered greens. Since poultry have instinct for incubation, then breeders need to have an incubator for breeding. Pheasant – a native of the south, however, many kinds of excellent feel in the middle lane in open cells whose size varies from 6 to 16 sq.m. a couple of birds depending on their type.

Feed the pheasants can be using the same diet as in the breast of quail. To get chicks, too, need an incubator. Peacock, like pheasant, are well acclimatized to Russian climate. Under the conditions of inclement weather should settle the pheasants in a warmer house, while in summer and allowed to keep them in the yard, landed for this tree, or in specially equipped cells with poles. Over part of the site make a canopy, the birds were able to escape from the weather or the sun. Especially for females constructed nest. Peacock Feeding require different cereals, bread, and so forth. To to contain decorative mandarin ducks do not need to create special conditions. This breed of birds can move the temperature down to -15 C, so that their content is suitable for conventional enclosure, the dimensions of which are typically around -15 C. For maximum comfort they need a small-sized ducks rates. These ducks say "tree", so they need an additional condition for living – a special slot. Permissible to place inside duplyanku cells at a height of five feet, attach it to the grid. Feed this breed of ducks as you can feed, and grinded vegetables, different grains. Market is just full of meat of these birds. Quail eggs are usually used in as a useful dietary product.