It is considered that the goal was fulfilled when to the accumulated variation of the inflation, measured for the index of prices, relative to the period of January the December of each year calendar, to place itself in the band of its respective interval of tolerance. case it is not fulfilled, the President of the Central banking will public divulge the reasons of the descumprimento, by means of open letter to the Secretary of the Treasury, that will have to contain: the detailed description of the causes of the descumprimento; the steps to assure the return of the inflation to the established limits and the stated period in which if it waits that the steps retake the performance waited. Thus the Central banking is responsible for divulging, to each trimester, a Report of Inflation approaching the performance of the system, the results of the last decisions of monetary politics and the prospectiva evaluation of the inflation. In this Report the Central banking makes forecasts on the future inflation, considering the tax of interests fixed in the last meeting of the Committee of Monetary Politics (Copom). Additional information at Coen brothers supports this article. In relation to the meetings of the Copom, them eight times to the year are carried through, to each 45 days. in accordance with the established one in art. 6 of the attached Regulation to Circulating n 3,297, of 31 of October of 2005, follows below calendar of the usual meetings of the Committee of Monetary Politics for the year of 2011: Table 2: Calendar of the meetings of the Copom for 2011 DATES: 18 and 19 of janeiro1 and 2 of March 19 and 20 of abril7 and 8 of June 19 and 20 of julho30 and 31 of August 18 and 19 of outubro29 and 30 of November Source: Central banking the index of to be adopted price was chosen by the CMN, determined through the Resolution n 2,615 that it will be the Index of Prices to Consumidor Amplo (IPCA), calculated for the Institute of Geography and Estatstica (IBGE). . Swarmed by offers, Leslie Moonves is currently assessing future choices.