Politically he is sufficiently advantageous to firm the model of democratic state of right, over all for the participation of the society organized in the process of conduction of the actions to be developed for the state, diminishing with this the power of one alone person. Exactly in way to this sprouting it model of society and state that comes being molded in Brazil, appeared our Only System of the Health. Stuck in the conceptual root of the new Brazilian democracy and with the main objective to take care of the demand of the people who as much lacked of worthy assistance of health; Without some was revealed of form the assistencialismo and the clientelismo, and under a participativa management where the users, workers and managers could have a participation accomplish and direct in this new model of global public health. The concept of social control is one of the basic principles of the SUS, beyond being an important innovation guaranteed for constitution, as form of magnifying of the citizenship rights and as form of magnifying of the participation of the workers in the management, generating surrounding solidary and new possibilities of bonds of the workers with the institutions – as revealed for the National Conference of Health of 2004.Dito this we have finally that to reflect on the conduction of the current SUS; New challenges appear to each day and make with that let us have all (worked, managing and using) to assume, the responsibility for a maintenance of a social conquest that is of the Brazilian people. We have that to face with courage and determination the task to understand that a public health plus one not to have solely of the state and that it cannot more determine of sovereign form the routes to be followed. me to the same conclusion. It is vital that the participativa management exactly assumes the default of some public managers does not have the minimum of knowledge of the principles of the system; Its propositor, fiscalizador paper and of citizenship next to the system. Diligent we we have that to have the full conscience of effectively we are you mainly participate effective right-handers and in the condition of health of the population and that with public health is not played. Everything is very technician and must be reverted for the society as a whole, and it does not stop taking care of to yearnings politicians of whom it has in the assistencialismo its bigger flag, without understanding that with this they are only increasing the social inaquality.. .