Since Monday, February 23, 2009 new, more favourable conditions apply to the netbank AG whose rates credit offer. The netbank AG can convince in their installment loan with an APR of from 4.99 percent, 1,000 euros minimum credit amount, a credit offer, which is aimed at freelancers or self-employed, and in run time-dependent rates. The netbank AG, which is offering credit to employees as well as self-employed and freelancers, has revised the terms of their rates loan to February 23, 2009. Referring on the months falling interbank and key interest rates apply since that day lower lending rates at netbank AG. Interested consumers can take these low interest rates for loans of 1,000 to 50,000 euros for maturities from six 84 months up to.

This following interest rates since February 23, 2009: for durations of 6 to 12 months 4.99 percent Apr, for durations of 13 to 72 months 6.44 percent annual percentage rate and for durations of 73 to 84 months 7.99% APR. Interested readers on netbank-ratenkredit.html find all details available in netbank. A peculiarity of the credit offer of by netbank AG is the fact that the interest rate only by the runtime is dependent on. Although, there is a credit check on the borrower, this serves only determining whether the requested credit approved or not. On the interest rate of the loan this exam does not no influence differently than many other banks, so that exactly the above interest rates consumers can calculate. For this reason and due to the attractive interest rates the experts of financial portal classify the offer of by netbank AG as fully recommended for workers, self-employed persons, freelancers and traders.