Our enterprise has not lost market share, but neither won. 9 – At the tenth month offensive has: hired a new commercial. Acquired a specific computer to send information via fax daily. Information that was relevant to the managers of the offices. Customer loyalty 40 more for the same procedure joint meeting to review of records at no charge.

And staff focus on a new entity with 725 offices. At the end of 11th month 66% of the reports of the first entity and 15% of the second were channeled by our entrepreneurs. What would be the leader you attacked? 10 – The counter-leader to start the month twelve, and using the contacts and experience that gave him 10 years working with the Entities, pressured the managers of offices across the dome of local entities. Personally visited the 120 most loyal customers by offering the same service, the same price. He hired a shopping and established a system of routes that allowed commercial contact with all offices of the greater of the Entities at least 1 time per month. Service equaled the information by fax. He got in touch with providers of confidential information indicating that no further work with the newcomer. "There is widespread discouragement? In our entrepreneurial number fourteen months found a decrease in turnover of almost 40%, found that half of its information providers are not served him. It was found that more than 100 offices were not made to the phone and not received. Spread discouragement! 11 – Time to reflect and the offensive end at closing the month with a further decline in sales, held a rally unexpected – at least we did not expect – …