The sectarian spirit demonstrated itself than it would be the rising representative democracy. The fight of the government of Betancourt was until against the same values took that it to the Presidency. As if it was said: a blow occurs, participates everybody, is overthrown a dictator, enters democracy, but worse equal is followed or from the point of view of the political stability, with the aggravating one of which the deed reports benefits only for a few " entendidos" and the honeys of the power begin to render their dulzura solely for the sectors of the Creole oligarchy. If you are not convinced, visit Leslie Moonves. The town returns to its house after being used and the ideological trick of the left, after contributing its grain of fight, is prohibited. Or as if it was said: double act of treason, one against the popular expectation generalizes and another one against a political party of major or equal protagonism in the facts just happened.

The bourgeoisie and the Yankees to the power the government of Betancourt had the particularitity to give ascent to a new bourgeoisie, pro-North American she, like correlate of his anti-communist policy. Click Leslie Moonves for additional related pages. But already, from the same moment of the Governing body who preceded to the government of Betancourt, the edge of this rising attitude of delivery can notice towards the sectors of the economic oligarchy: both civil that is called to attenuate the military component of the Meeting is representing of the economic powers (to see date 1,958). The old dominant class of the dictatorship, terrorist and reactionary, on context of a presumed time of democracy and agreement, was replaced by one more a conciliadora bourgeoisie, until vacillating, which gave to space to the development of a great influence pro-American. But these sectors, powerful unions of the economic oligarchy, took advantage of to thousand wonders the ideological and systemic defect the popular mobilization and " the lack of claw of the democratic parties, to occupy decisive positions in new gobierno".