'Journal of Public Registration' – a specialized magazine created specifically for the publication of information on legal persons. It is published weekly, starting in December 2004. Its founders – the Federal Tax Service and Co.Ltd 'Balaam'. The creation of this organ has decided several problems at once. Firstly, it was not until the media publish information from a single state registry entities.

Secondly, before the 'Herald' was not quite clear, without it the company should post the information to disclose that they oblige the law. Third, the placement in the magazine and information about the liquidation restructured enterprises facilitates the work of their creditors to recover their debts. Journal 'Journal of Public Registration "made economic relations more transparent, reduce risks, which are economic agents when making business decisions. Having open access to fresh and complete information about a business partner, you can be sure of its predictability and reliability. Journal 'Journal of Public Registration' has 154 offices in all regions of the Russian Federation. The process has been successfully implemented exception of inactive companies from a single state register of legal entities, without recourse to the judicial system. During this procedure, tax authorities shall publish the decision on the forthcoming legal entity exclusion from the register as invalid. The tendency of the magazine and make it available on the Internet.

For convenience, Member editorial board has developed a program "Electronic monitoring". It allows you to learn about the intentions of his counterpart in the mode of on-line. Will it reduce the share capital, to start eliminating or reorganization of the enterprise – all the fundamental changes in its business will not go unnoticed.