For Saussure, nothing it has on this side of verbal of the synthesis thought-sound, nor beyond it. The sound in itself and the thought in itself exceed the language. The experience, however, sample that the poetry lives in border state, between the thought and the sound. In the poem, force the sign for the kingdom of the sound. It constitutes a historical and social phenomenon, the conjunction of certain thoughts the certain sounds. In the theory of Saussure, that is called ' ' arbtrio' ' , that is, without advance warning the sign can become unrecognizable, or can remain in a state for a long time. Bosi, says that the sign does not behave as a fixed species of the vegetal world, as for example, a samambaia, that if reproduces identical in our planet has three hundred million years.

Its value is selected accurate in a context. the connotations penetrate that it are, almost always, ideological. In second estrofe, of the second part, Gilbert Mendona Teles, makes aluso to the work of the poet, this is not simple, is arduous, is suffered, is needed to wait its determined time, not it as if to hurry a poetry, however without the research, without if perscrutar the winding ways of the words, it is not obtained to arrive the satisfactory work. Nor river that if makes In river of toy impure steel Sword Between the prudence and the hand. Sword of so curve That the contact of the afternoon Hoops in the horizon, Nothing that only could Be used its landing to launch in the space a penumbra cone, and that the time of a Lighted light bulb in the memory lasted only. ' ' The time of a light bulb has access in memria' '. How much work, quanta research had been necessary to arrive itself at this accurate moment, where the poet is rewarded by its diligent work, the composition of the poetry.