The bandwidth is determined based on best case and worst case scenarios it comes to depict images of a possible, in terms of data often still uncertain future. She was named for scenario techniques reminiscent of the scene descriptions in movie scripts: a scenario is the description of a possible future situation. Who can generate internal and external business information faster and use them for strategic and operational decisions and processes in this environment, can draw on the most secure competitive advantages from this. From the point of view of the company these risks represent even more complex, since they more or less at the same time effectively, affect mutually and in its effect partly also mutually reinforcing / may affect. Scenarios of probability are associated with a risk analysis. CF.

to strategic perspectives among others Jorg Becker: strategy-check and knowledge balance effect relationships make transparent, explore potential for success, ISBN 978-3-8370-7305-8. Target the scenario technique is transferred to economic problems also represent images of a possible future. Starting from the present Wahrscheinlichkeitsgrade be determined in an analysis of the situation, after which both internal and external factors will change within the next time. It is shown a development history leading to a particular future situation: under the assumption that the influences of today existing facts (used, technology, customer behavior) with a progressive future will decrease more and more. While in the structures of the present, disruptive events are mostly irrelevant, at the same time, the uncertainty of information and hence the uncertainty with regard to the meeting of predictions is increasing with increasing extension of this future / time Hopper: very wide future away almost everything becomes possible. See for basic action potentials such as Jorg Becker: intellectual and business planning, ISBN 978-3-8370-7564-9.

The real development is between the edge points of the possibility space, i.e. between optimistic and pessimistic extreme scenarios are, set. Second, a likely scenario as an extension of the trend of today’s point of view could therefore are updated. To round off, then at least a scenario should be listed with possible fault events for a new image of the future. More broadly, the company deals with these possible scenarios of the information, the expected benefits for the forming of opinion with regard to future potential is greater.