The market leader in the online book exchanges now new studies literature “Used book buyers are also getting new book buyers” sold Detlef Buttner, Managing Director of Lehmanns shop GmbH is convinced. The folks are also the makers of the online platform for used books,, and now cooperate with one of the leading book retailers in Germany. Because Lehmanns is focused on technical details, the concept is ideally suited in the niche, which has been looking for two years ago: to bring literature as quickly and easily as possible to students. The classic textbook trader of Lehmanns thus enters a liaison with a young new media company. SEMESTERBOOKS found just a good approach to get the book business in the Web”, praises Buttner, and in the market segments we complement each other very well.” SEMESTERBOOKS founder John Peter sees an opportunity in the combination of the innovative book Exchange with the established partner: The cooperation entails further an enormous step SEMESTERBOOKS Lal. We benefit from the experience of Lehmanns.” So SEMESTERBOOKS is closer to significantly the goal of becoming Germany’s biggest focal point for studying literature. The cooperation with Lehmanns is based on two pillars: on the one hand, SEMESTERBOOKS is the new book sales where until now was referenced with a link on Amazon, will be available from Lehmanns direct bids in the future.

In addition to second-hand copies, there will be therefore the possibility to purchase the books. So we are present as a brand in this market segment”, Buttner. The young company Lehmanns provides marketing services in return. The cooperation between of the two partners is limited to the German-speaking world. Kishore Pinpati referred to the new cooperation as strategic hit. He is spokesman for the investor company pin point ventures, which participated in the emerging companies and advise it on issues of management. Last but not least this support he could Cooperation agreement with Lal. When the rapid change in the book market we are happy to work together with a market-leading book retailers such as Lal”, Pinpati explains, with its presence in 24 cities in Germany, our service for students gaining value.” SEMESTERBOOKS operates two years after establishment in 350 German-speaking cities and works with 2 000 student councils.

The leader has now found a valuable strategic marketing partner in Lehmanns to grow continuously. Lehmanns shop GmbH is headquartered in Cologne and is the fourth-largest bookstore of in Germany, as well as specialist for the distribution of technical information. The Tochtergesellschafte of the German doctors Publishing House has over 35 branches in 24 cities in Germany and was one of the first German booksellers on the Internet. is headquartered in Heidelberg and is for students of the leader as a book Exchange. offers students the opportunity, used and new books to buy and sell used books. Semesterbooks was founded in the year of 2008 has been and is supported by numerous Astas, student councils and universities. The young company is financially supported by pinpoint venture