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List Of Billionaires 2010

List of billionaires in 2010 by the influential Forbes in 2009, employs 1,011. The general condition of more than $ 340 billion. The seventh part of this money belongs to the richest man in the world. For the second year in a row ranking of billionaires, a new leader. Growing telecom assets carried in the first place the Mexican tycoon Carlos Slim Helou, his condition has reached $ 53.5 billion in the second place Microsoft founder Bill Gates – $ 53 billion on third in the American investor Warren Buffett – $ 47 billion this year at the disposal of the average participant rating stands at $ 3.5 billion to $ 500 million more than in the past. Today, the world's billionaires in 1011, slightly less than the record 2008 m (1125). Only 12% of them have become poorer over the past year.

A large part of the list (40%) and total capital (38%) still account for U.S. citizens, but the newcomers rating only 16% have a U.S. passport and 28% – Chinese. Russia in third place. What For women, they are now 89, against 72 a year ago.

It is true that Russia is only one – businessman and mayor of the capital's wife Elena Baturin. The number of billionaires in Russia has nearly doubled last year's 62 against 32. Richest Russian – Vladimir Lisin, owner and chairman of the board, "Novolipetsk Steel" – holds 32nd place, his condition is estimated at $ 15.8 billion, of notable Russians ceased to be billionaires, the most famous – Boris Berezovsky. In the present representatives of the former Soviet Union. Jeff Bewkes is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Four of Ukraine. This is Rinat Akhmetov – 148th place, more than 5 billion-in-law of Leonid Kuchma businessman Viktor Pinchuk, who lives in Switzerland Igor Kolomoisky, a businessman and deputy Konstantin Zhevago, as well as businessman Gennady Bogolyubov. Five billionaires – from Kazakhstan. This entrepreneur Kulibayev and his wife, Dinara – the daughter of President Nursultan Nazarbayev, an aluminum magnate Alijan Ibragimov, a banker Nurzhan Subkhanberdin, as well as CEO of mining and processing of ferrous metals, Vladimir Kim. Financial management

Bolivia Hugo

The text, according to experts, is of minimum range after the failure of 12 days of negotiations to happen in 2012 to the Protocol of Kioto, the unique treaty that forces 37 industrialized nations to trim its carbon dioxide emissions. The president of Brazil, Luiz Incio Lula da Silva, declared itself disappointed and said that the happened thing remembered its times to him of unionist, when it opposite had great enterprise heads. The president of Bolivia, Evo Morales, said on the other hand that he was an agreement ” antidemocrtico” , behind the back of the majority, while its pair of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, expressed that the text was made by ” imperio” American. On the footer, the text clarifies that Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, Nicaragua and Sudan rejected the document, when considering it as an agreement of minimum reach.

The countries of the Bolivariana Alliance for the Towns of Our America (WHITE) declared the failure of the Summit on Cambio Climtico (COP15) and demanded to the industrialized nations transparent commitments with the preservation of the planet and the human species. The presidents of Venezuela and Bolivia, Hugo Chavez and Evo Morales, respectively, next to the Cuban vice-president, Esteban Bow and leaders of other nations of the block, aimed that for the DAWN and other countries, there is no document in Copenhagen by the lack of political will of the North. Lamentably, the Summit is a failure. We will continue fighting to reach the objectives to save the planet, pointed President Hugo Chavez Certain, that 15a Conference of the United Nations on Cambio Climtico (COP15), says in its final conclusions that the international community would have to avoid that the temperatures increase mentioned the two degrees, but envelope is not pronounced how to do it and who they must take the weight. The UN has calculated that would be necessary that the developed countries less emitted between a 25% and a 40% than in 1990, but the announced supplies, all volunteers, are limited a 17%. It is not arrived. Original author and source of the article.