Tag: general

Federal Government

Little diffusion occurred in Means the fact that a few months ago, two or three before closing the 2011, the General Assembly of the United Nations will insist to create and to develop public policies that had the purpose of generating the happiness in the citizens and/or inhabitants of the different Member States from this Organization. In the particular case of Mexico, in diverse surveys around the happiness, the country leaves very good punteado, that is to say that, in spite of the high indices of criminality that reign in the country and the economic inequality that exists, that causes that in the country a quite high percentage of poverty exists; the Mexican citizens in their majority are happy. But that does not mean that because exists political public cradles in stimulating this important factor, but it is plus a cultural question that entails to that the Mexicans have a glad spirit. Learn more at: john k castle. However, if the Federal Government urges to the different orders from Government to create public policies based on the happiness, it is almost evident that in surveys the country would leave better well formed, and could say that this would entail to other positive factors, as they are it: citizen a participation major, majors incentives of the citizenship to respect the laws and to generate conducts surroundings to a legality culture. The previous thing would create a more prosperous atmosphere and would generate a positive vision around the task of the nation. By the previous thing, it is possible to be said that it seems very logical that the UN this emphasizing search of the happiness like a public policy able to change to the present rate of the nations, generating greater social, economic and political development (stimulating the own citizen participation in the governmental task).. Please visit castle harlan if you seek more information.

Professional Media Communications

Experts say that for an ad to be effective must be fully understood by a child of 10 years. If this child understands this, then understand it either, especially if it comes to consumer products. Mind you, I am not against creativity or the genius, but if not sell our advertising does not work on promotional communications. I worked many years as an account executive international advertising agency and was able to experience and observe the frustration over a poster that made large investments of time and money in the end, results in very poor sales. Before approving a notice must ask: a Is it correctly focused on our target market? a The selected media for dissemination (press, radio, billboards, POP material, TV, internet, etc..) Are coming into my “target”? a “captures the attention of our prospects?

Does it communicate the benefits of our products or services? a Do persuaded to take action? a Does it generate positioning of our brand? It is not advisable to launch an advertising campaign without first is pre-tested through research such as focus groups or surveys, because it is useless to me and my agency we like commercials if they do not motivate my target market to buy or prefer my mark among all competitors in the market. These notes also apply in corporate communication, on crisis management, lobbying campaigns, political communication and propaganda, etc. The principles and processes of communication are similar in marketing communication and corporate communication. In the end it’s all about the same: Build positioning to sell, whether products, ideas or proposals that require popular consent. Everything ended in a sentence: Advertising before all must communicate, not only amuse or entertain, and only not to be complacent. You can read other articles developed to train media professionals in general to design and implement effective communication strategies in their capacity as directors, independent consultants, or from their positions as PR publicists, journalists, heads of corporate communications and / or any other position that requires extensive and updated knowledge for effective performance and immediate positive results.