Tag: internet

Control Panel

You can also pick up a theme, each of which has unique and beauty. Like the other engines is open source system for editing and changes, which opens up endless possibilities to create a website of any complexity and structure. Administration panel in spite of its austerity has great potential. Write a news block to create links, edit comments simple. Connection plug and what is easier – you just upload them to your server and connect through the panel administration. Despite all the positive aspects of the engine, in my opinion, has disadvantages in security. The engine is fairly widely distributed on the Internet, hackers can easily learn to hack on this blog engine.

But the developers to quickly close the gap with new patches and additions, which can be found on the official site. PHP-Fusion CMS – one of the best free engine at the moment, with which you can create any site. The engine has an incredible download speeds and increased security. Especially, I would recommend to build your site on a modified version of the engine PHP-SFusion, which you can download from the official site. The site You can download the plugins and themes site, among which are masterpieces WEB-design. The engine has great potential. It allows you to organize online newsletter, article directory, file storage, galleries, smart forum, guestbook, broadcast RSS, etc. A plug-ins extend the capabilities of the engine do not count.

Administration Control Panel – the standard for any engine. Write news, edit the / recording forum, create a new album or to contest all you can do it without any problems. Installing the engine and that is easier – you just upload to the server engine and follow the prompts of the installer. Write about this engine is a lot, but look at the site where you are, because it is built on this engine. So I looked at 3 more free engine for a website of which I would pick PHP-SFusion CMS, which will make the news portal and a simple and blog and information page. WordPress is suitable for a different blog or news site, and Slaed CMS can be used in a different home page or small site. Original article and its first part on my site – Imixlife.com

Social Welfare

Undoubtedly sees the black hand of capital stuck in the flat tax, but also see the ignorance of our legislators, the foolishness of the Treasury or the bad faith of both. We see that there are dark in the content of this new tax: 1. the investment and goods will be deductible as that while they made us think that investments in assets and inventories would be 100% deductible in 2008 on the basis of the IETU, this seems to be not so true in the ISR. Review article 6 fraction VI of the Act of the flat tax that mentions that investments in fixed assets and acquisitions of goods must comply with the requirements of the deductions. If the SHCP clarifies not referred to requirements of deductions, we’d take it literally pointed us article 31 fraction II of the income tax act. He is here mentioned that they will be deductible in the case of fixed assets using the % Max of the income tax Act, as the procurement of freight will be deductible only by the cost of sales.

Too bad Margarito, it was too good to be true. 2. The Business single-rate tax, is not just for entrepreneurs is practically for everyone, so it should be called general tax at single rate. 3. Not all companies that pay Social Welfare pay IETU El IETU afteracquired exempt social security, but not in all cases. If the company in which they work reaches a % tax for its results of operation greater than 16.5% may continue the same plan of Social foresight that previously granted, because it will not generate IETU. However, if the company reduces its taxable income through losses in prior periods, or account with a preferential regime as the auto transporters, will then cause IETU by social security that pays or simply for not causing ISR.