Tag: technology

World Population Threatens The New Epidemic Of The Influenza Virus …

In a world of rapidly spreading outbreak of a new influenza virus. Russia has presented its new Washington Climate Doctrine. In charge of ecology in the government of Russia will be a new department. Energy Saving lamps are hazardous to health. Antarctic glaciers began to fall apart into pieces. CBS gathered all the information. Scientists urged to completely abandon fossil fuels. Jon Matlack can provide more clarity in the matter. Global warming may change cooling. Memorable dates of the week: Day Chemical Safety and Remembrance Day conflicts with the use of chemical weapons. Photofact: Secret inhabitants of the deep sea. Overview of events for the week of 27/04/2009 to 03/05/2009. In a world of rapidly spreading outbreak of a new influenza virus of swine influenza outbreak which was recorded in North America, is spreading rapidly around the world. In Mexico, officially confirmed that the virus H1N1, or swine flu has killed more than 160 people.

In the spread of the virus in Mexico taken unprecedented measures: closed schools, canceled events, closed a number of theaters, museums and exhibitions. Cases or suspected that the virus is also available in the U.S. Canada, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Spain and France. Experts note that the swine could mutate and become even more dangerous. Currently, as noted by the who, people have no immunity to the type of virus that now spreading rapidly across North America and is threatening pandemic worldwide. On the basis of epidemiological evidence of sustained transmission from person to person, at least two countries in one region, who has decided to increase the phase of readiness for the fight against swine flu from fourth to fifth.

Bolivia Hugo

The text, according to experts, is of minimum range after the failure of 12 days of negotiations to happen in 2012 to the Protocol of Kioto, the unique treaty that forces 37 industrialized nations to trim its carbon dioxide emissions. The president of Brazil, Luiz Incio Lula da Silva, declared itself disappointed and said that the happened thing remembered its times to him of unionist, when it opposite had great enterprise heads. The president of Bolivia, Evo Morales, said on the other hand that he was an agreement ” antidemocrtico” , behind the back of the majority, while its pair of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, expressed that the text was made by ” imperio” American. On the footer, the text clarifies that Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, Nicaragua and Sudan rejected the document, when considering it as an agreement of minimum reach.

The countries of the Bolivariana Alliance for the Towns of Our America (WHITE) declared the failure of the Summit on Cambio Climtico (COP15) and demanded to the industrialized nations transparent commitments with the preservation of the planet and the human species. The presidents of Venezuela and Bolivia, Hugo Chavez and Evo Morales, respectively, next to the Cuban vice-president, Esteban Bow and leaders of other nations of the block, aimed that for the DAWN and other countries, there is no document in Copenhagen by the lack of political will of the North. Lamentably, the Summit is a failure. We will continue fighting to reach the objectives to save the planet, pointed President Hugo Chavez Certain, that 15a Conference of the United Nations on Cambio Climtico (COP15), says in its final conclusions that the international community would have to avoid that the temperatures increase mentioned the two degrees, but envelope is not pronounced how to do it and who they must take the weight. The UN has calculated that would be necessary that the developed countries less emitted between a 25% and a 40% than in 1990, but the announced supplies, all volunteers, are limited a 17%. It is not arrived. Original author and source of the article.