Rightnesss and errors of the past generally anchor the gift in the practical past and explain the legitimation of the current ones. II.Rituais and Cerimonias: They are repetitive sequences of activities that express and strengthen the main values of the organization. The ceremonies of year end and the commemorations of the anniversary of the organization are rituals that congregate and approach the totality of the employees to motivate and to strengthen aspects of the culture of the organization, as well as reducing the conflicts. III.Smbolos Material: The architecture of the building, the rooms and tables, the size and physical arrangement of the offices constitute material symbols that define the degree of equality or differentiation between the people and the type of behavior (as to take risks or to follow the routine, authoritarianism or democratic spirit, participativo style or individualism, attitude conservative or innovator) desired by the organization. The material symbols constitute the not verbal communication.

IV.Linguagem: Many organizations and same units inside of the organizations use the language as a way to identify to members of a culture or subcultura. When learning the language, the member confirms the acceptance of the culture and helps to preserve it. The organizations develop singular terms to describe equipment, offices, people – keys, suppliers, customers or products. Also the way as the people if dresses and the used documents constitute forms to express the organizacional culture. The organizacional culture if characterizes for its implied acceptance for its members. It also is strengthened by the proper process of election, that it eliminates the people with discrepantes characteristics with the established standards and helps to preserve the culture.